New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof's Feb. 15 column and accompanying graphics, "How to Reduce Shootings," is good, but acting on some of these ideas is not enough to reduce this violence.
It continues to amaze me that so many folks seem to have blown their opportunity when puberty hit to sort out their feelings and values and not to choose the path leading from personal short-term pleasures to happiness, to continue to use the primitive gut response of just killing them before they get us.
The U.S., and particularly the Republican Party, is now full of these folks. Why should we not call this what it is, a mental health issue for the Republican Party, and address it? And those folks were entrusted to represent us.
Wealth is so much more than accumulating money and possessions.
Sure, I know this is a much more difficult issue to address since it is political and brings in money from donors, such as the NRA, but we need to address the cause, as well as develop strategies to decrease the short-term epidemic of the mass shootings in schools. Let's start both now. Now is the time.
Bob Kearney