StoriesFebruary 13, 2014

This list has been borrowed from and is an edited version of a Community Resource Guide compiled and maintained by Gritman Medical Center’s Social Services Office. The Gritman Junior Volunteers helped in its initial development.

Contact Gritman Social Services, (208) 882-6360, with questions, concerns and updates or to get a copy of the full version of the guide.


Idaho CareLine, 211 or (877) 211-9274; provides resources and information throughout Idaho



Suicide Prevention Hotline, (800) 273-TALK

National Hotline, (800) SUICIDE

Moscow Hotline, (208) 882-0562


Adult Protection — Area Agency on Aging, 124 New Sixth St., Lewiston, (800) 877-3206, (208) 743-5580

Adult Protective Services, Colfax, (800) 459-0421, (509) 323-9400


Child Protection, Idaho — Department of Health and Welfare, after hours crisis or consultations, (855) 552-5437, (208) 882-0670

Child Protection, Washington — Department of Social and Health Services, Colfax, (800) 642-5179

Safe Haven, Idaho Careline, (800) 926-2588, infants can be left at hospitals, clinics, physicians office, ambulance, emergency response, or police departments within 30 days of delivery.

Domestic Violence

Alternatives to Violence of the Palouse, (208) 883-HELP; Pullman, (509) 332-0552; Moscow, (208) 882-2490

National Domestic Violence Hotline, (800) 799-SAFE

Domestic Violence Hotline, (800) 562-6025

YWCA — Lewiston, (208) 743-1535; 24-hour crisis service, (800) 669-3176, (208) 746-9655

Idaho Region II Behavioral Health Crisis Line, (208) 882-0562

Law Enforcement

Moscow Police, 118 E. Fourth St., (208) 882-2677

Pullman Police, (509) 334-0802

Latah County Sheriff, Moscow, (208) 882-2216; Crime Victim Information, (208) 883-2246

Whitman County Sheriff, Colfax, (509) 397-6266; Crime Victims Assistance, (509) 397-6250

Washington State Patrol, 840 W. Fairview St., Colfax, (800) 283-7804, (509) 397-3600

Idaho State Police District 2, (208) 791-5151,


CHAS Clinic, 719 S. Main St., Moscow, (208) 848-8300

Kendrick Family Care, 610 E. Main St., Kendrick, (208) 289-3841

Moscow Family Medicine, 623 S. Main St., No. 1, Moscow, (208) 882-2011

Moscow Medical, 213 N. Main St., Moscow, (208) 882-7565

Moscow Pullman OB/GYN, 623 S. Main St., No. 5, Moscow, (208) 883-0813; 1205 SE Professional Mall Blvd., No. 102, Pullman, (509) 332-7511

Palouse Medical, 825 SE Bishop Blvd., No. 200, Pullman, (509) 332-2517

Palouse Pediatrics, 1420 S. Blaine St., No. 5, Moscow, (208) 882-2247; 1205 SE Professional Mall Blvd., No. 104, Pullman, (509) 332-2605

Potlatch Family Care, 225 Sixth St., Potlatch, (208) 875-2380

Pullman Family Medicine, 915 NE Valley Road, Pullman, (509) 332-3548

Total Health Physician Group, 619 S. Washington St., No. 203, Moscow, (208) 892-1346

Troy Clinic, 412 S. Main St., Troy, (208) 835-5550


Benewah Clinic, 1115 B St., Plummer, (208) 686-1931; medical, dental, counseling, sliding scale

CHAS Clinic, 719 S. Main St., Moscow, Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance, sliding scale

CHAS Clinic, 338 Sixth St., No. 101, Lewiston, (866) 729-8258 (208) 848-8300; Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance and sliding scale

Snake River Clinic, 215 10th St., Lewiston, (208) 743-5899; basic health care, referrals, non-narcotic drugs, prescription refills and laboratory work for patients without insurance only. Care for free or small fees. No appointments. Patients seen by number after 5 p.m. Line forms at 3:30 p.m.


Whitman County, 310 N. Main, Colfax, (509) 397-6280; 1205 SE Professional Mall Blvd., No. 203, Pullman, (509) 332-6752

Idaho Regional Health, (208) 799-4400; North Central Health District, 333 E. Palouse River Drive, Moscow, (208) 882-7506; 215 10th St., Lewiston, (208) 799-3100



University of Idaho Center on Disabilities, (208) 885-6000

Comprehensive Advocacy Inc., 428 W. Third St., Moscow, (866) 262-3462

Developmental Disabilities Program, Department of Health and Welfare, 1350 Troy HIghway, Moscow, (208) 883-4529, (800) 393-4337

Disability Action Center, 505 N. Main St., Moscow, (208) 883-0523

Idaho Assistive Technology, 129 W. Third St., Moscow, (800) 432-8324

Inclusions North, 111 E. Second St., No. 1, Moscow, (208) 883-8041

Milestones, 611 S. Main St., Moscow, (208) 883-8262

Opportunities Unlimited, 119 E. Fourth St., Moscow, (208) 883-5587

Scott Community Care, 200 S. Almon St., Moscow, (208) 882-3504

SL Start, 1630 23rd Ave., No. 501, Lewiston, (208) 798-8771

Social Security, 1617 19th Ave., Lewiston, (800) 772-1213,

Special Olympics, (800) 915-6510

University of Idaho Disability Support Services, UI Commons, Room 306, P.O. Box 442537, Moscow, (208) 885-6307

Vocational Rehabilitation, 609 S. Washington St., No. 201, Moscow, (208) 882-8550


Community and Residential Experience Support, (509) 397-3403

Families Together of the Palouse, (866) 326-4864,

Palouse Industries, 1235 SE Professional Mall Blvd., Pullman, (509) 332-6561,

Palouse Area Therapeutic Horsemanship, (509) 335-7347

People First of Washington, 932½ Sixth St., Clarkston, (509) 758-1123

State Division of Developmental Disabilities, (509) 397-5053

Vocational Rehabilitation, 1256 SE Bishop Blvd, Suite J, Pullman, (509) 338-4762

Washington State University Disability Resource Center, (509) 335-1566, students only



Department of Health and Welfare, (208) 799-4430

Addus Health Care, (877) 566-8300, 1034 Main St., Lewiston, (208) 746-8881

Aging With Grace, 818 N. Jefferson St., Moscow, (208) 882-1951

Alternative Nursing Services, 828 S. Washington St., Moscow, (800) 930-3050, (208) 882-0616

Care Connection Home Care LLC, 225 E. Palouse River Drive, Moscow, (208) 892-3774

Choice Care Services, 119 E. Fourth St., Moscow, (208) 883-5587; by Opportunities Unlimited

Compassionate Care, 150 126th St., Suite B, Orofino, (866) 919-2273; (208) 476-3714

Disability Action Center, 505 N. Main St., Moscow, (208) 883-0523

Griswold Home Care, 613 Bryden Ave., No. 147, Lewiston, (800) 474-7965,

(208) 816-8228

Home Care Services, 549 Fifth St., Suite E, Clarkston, (509) 758-1458

Idaho Partners In Care, 820 Elm St., St. Maries, (800) 576-1825, (208) 245-4576

Seubert’s Quality Home Care, 325 W. Third St., Moscow, (800) 597-6620, (208) 883-1114


DSHS Community Services Office, 418 S. Main St., No. 1, Colfax, (509) 397-5050

Addus Health Care, 116½ S. Main St., Colfax, (509) 397-4750

Alternative Nursing Services, 828 S. Washington St., Moscow, (800) 930-3050, (208) 882-0616

Chesterfield Services Inc., 209 N. Main St., Colfax, (866) 433-8895, (509) 397-3328

Family Home Care, 1610 NE Eastgate Blvd., No. 850, Pullman, (509) 473-4949, (509) 496-1945

Havenwood Caregiver Services, 303 E. Wellesley Ave., Spokane, (509) 535-1546

Home Care Services, 549 Fifth St. Suite E, Clarkston, (509) 758-1458

ResCare HomeCare, 744 Fifth St., Suite B, Clarkston, (509) 758-2055


Auburn Crest Hospice, (208) 743-2222

Gentiva Home Health and Hospice, 1610 NE Eastgate Blvd., No. 850, Pullman, (509) 334-6016, (509) 332-2236; 106 S. Mill St., Colfax, (509) 397-4641

St. Joseph Regional Medical Center Hospice, 1250 Idaho St, Lewiston, (208) 799-5538

Tri-State Home Health and Hospice, 1372 Bridge St., Clarkston, (509) 758-2568


Bishop Place, 815 SE Klemgard St., Pullman, (509) 334-9488

Clark House, 1401 N. Polk St., Moscow, (208) 882-3438

Good Samaritan Village, 640 N. Eisenhower St., Moscow, (208) 882-6560,

Whitman Senior Living Community, 1285 SW Center St., Pullman, (509) 332-2629,


Aspen Park Healthcare, 420 Rowe St., Moscow, (208) 882-4576

Avalon Care Center, 1310 NW Deanne St., Pullman, (509) 332-1566

Good Samaritan Village, 640 N. Eisenhower St., Moscow, (208) 882-6560,


Arcadia Drive Adult Family Home, 1500 NW Arcadia Drive, Pullman, (509) 332-1230

Care Haven, P.O. Box 9721, Moscow, (208) 596-8908

Cityview, 525 SW City View St., Pullman, (509) 334-5786

Considerate Care, 730 SE Carol Star Drive, Pullman, (509) 339-6146; 330 E. Cannon St., Palouse, (509) 878-1405

DreamWorks, Colfax, (509) 397-9049

Glen Haven, 352 Johnson Road, Pullman, (509) 332-7472

Glen Haven II, 217 Lancer Lane, Pullman, (509) 334-7022

Nelson’s Corner, Colfax, (509) 397-3403

Paul’s Place, Colfax, (509) 397-3433

Precious Elders, 320 NW Terre View Drive, Pullman, (509) 339-6200

Whispering Hills Adult Family Home, 1090 SW Latour Peak St., Pullman, (509) 338-4439



Area Agency on Aging, 124 New Sixth St., Lewiston, (800) 877-3206, (208) 743-5580; adult protection, ombudsman.

Carelink, (208) 877-1999, similar to Lifeline

Circles of Caring Adult Day Health, (208) 883-6483, provides day services for adults that are at risk because of dementia or disabilities

Lifeline, (800) 242-1306, (208) 882-6560, call Good Samaritan for referrals

Idaho Senior Legal Hotline, (866) 345-0106, serves those calling on behalf of seniors age 60-plus. Must meet federal poverty guideline. For free legal advice on all but criminal issues

Project ACCESS, (208) 883-6483, provides transportation services, support groups

Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, 1424 Main St., Lewiston, (208) 746-7787, matches seniors who want to volunteer to community organizations.


Aging and Long Term Care, 744 Fifth St., Suite C, Clarkston, (509) 758-2355,

Council on Aging, 210 S. Main St., P.O. Box 107, Colfax, (509) 397-4611, provides respite care, information and assistance, and care management

Elder Care Locator Line, (800) 677-1116,

Community Council on Aging, 210 S. Main St., Colfax, (509) 397-4305, volunteer organization that provides for the needs of seniors

Pullman Senior Center, City Hall, (509) 332-1933, open Monday through Friday

Palouse Industries, 1235 SE Professional Mall Blvd., Pullman, (509) 332-6561, provides some yard work for seniors


Plymouth Congregational Church, 321 S. Main St., P.O. Box 225, Colfax, (509) 397-3011, Wednesdays at noon

Deary Fire Hall, 403 Main St., Deary, (208) 877-1515, Tuesdays at noon

Elk City VFW, 50 American River Road, Elk City, (208) 842-2393, Mondays at noon

Kendrick Senior Citizens Center, 104 Sixth St., Kendrick, (208) 289-5031, Wednesdays and Fridays at noon

Lewiston Community Center/Senior Nutrition Program, 1424 Main St., Lewiston, (208) 743-6983, Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at noon

Moscow Senior/Community Center, 412 E. Third St., 1912 Center, Moscow, (208) 882-1562, Tuesdays and Thursdays at noon

Orchards United Methodist Church, 1213 Burrell Ave., Lewiston, (208) 743-9201, Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays at noon

Palouse Federated Church, 635 N. Bridge St., Palouse, (509) 878-1509, Wednesdays at noon

Potlatch Senior Center, 645 Pine St., Potlatch, (208) 875-1071, Tuesdays and Fridays at noon

Pullman Senior Center, City Hall, 325 SE Paradise St., Pullman, (509) 332-1933, Mondays and Fridays at 11:45 a.m.


COAST Transportation, (800) 873-9996, (509) 397-2935, volunteer drivers, donations accepted

Community Action Partnership, 428 W. Third St., No. 4, Moscow, (208) 882-3535

Department of Health and Welfare, 1350 Troy Highway, Moscow, (208) 882-2433

Department of Social and Health Services, 418 S. Main St., Colfax, (800) 654-8130, (509) 397-4326

Gritman Financial Counseling, 700 S. Main St., Moscow, (208) 883-2223, for assistance with making arrangements for medical bills

Idaho Medicaid Transportation Unit, American Medical Response, (877) 503-1261, call to arrange Medicaid nonemergency transport to physician appointments with 24 hours notice

Latah County Social Services, P.O. Box 9124, Moscow, (208) 883-7209

Sojourners’ Alliance, 627 N. Van Buren St., Moscow, (208) 883-3438

St. Vincent DePaul Society, (208) 883-3284

United Way of Moscow-Latah County, 110 S. Jackson St., Moscow, (208) 882-3474



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Adventist Community Services, 405 Main St., Deary, (208) 877-7414, Tuesdays and Thursdays 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Genesee Food Bank, (208) 285-1195, Genesee residents call Vicki Luedke for appointment. USDA low income guidelines and emergency assistance for special situations

Genesee Food Center, 216 W. Chestnut St., Genesee, (208) 285-1323

Lewiston Food Bank, 124 New Sixth St., Lewiston, (208) 746-3351, Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Moscow Food Bank, St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 618 E. First St., Moscow, (208) 882-4813, Tuesday-Friday 2-4 p.m.

Potlatch Food Bank, 251 Kennedy Ford Road, Potlatch, (208) 875-0735, call Sally Anderson for appointment

Sojourners’ Alliance Troy Food Bank, 102 Sixth St., Troy, (208) 835-3000, Wednesdays 4-6 p.m.

Trinity Baptist Church, 711 Fairview Drive, Moscow, (208) 882-2015, Tuesdays 4-7 p.m.


Asotin County Food Bank Associates Inc., 1546 Maple St., Clarkston, (509) 758-7085, open 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday-Friday, one service per person every three months

Colfax Food Bank, Colfax, (509) 397-2205, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Friday

Pullman Food Bank, 350 Fairmont Road, (509) 334-9147; 108 NW Stadium Way, (509) 338-0801; Monday and Thursday 9-11 a.m., Wednesday 4-6 p.m.


Asotin County Housing Authority, 1212 Fair St., Clarkston, (509) 758-5751; Section 8, (509) 758-8514

Community Action Partnership, 428 W. Third St., Moscow, (208) 882-3535; 124 New Sixth St., Lewiston, (208) 743-5580

Idaho Housing and Finance Association, Section 8, 215 10th St., No. 101, Lewiston, (208) 743-0251

Latah County Sheriff’s Office, Latah County Courthouse, corner of South Van Buren and East Fifth streets, (208) 882-2216, go after 5 p.m. and they may be able to provide one night at a hotel

Palouse Habitat for Humanity, 822 Elm St., Moscow, (208) 883-8502

Sojourners’ Alliance, 627 N. Van Buren St., Moscow, (208) 883-3438

YWCA, 300 Main St., Lewiston, (208) 743-1535; 24 hour crisis services, (800) 669-3176, or (208) 746-9655

Medication Cost Assistance Programs


Medicare and Medicaid services, (800) 633-2273

Partnership for Prescription Assistance, (888) 477-2669,

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, (800) 762-4636,

RxHope, (908) 850-8004,


Rx Outreach Assistance Program,

Together Rx Access,


Substance abuse treatment facilities,, locate facilities anywhere in US

Alcoholics Anonymous, or, for locations and times of meetings

ALANON, (888)-4AL-ANON; Idaho, (208) 289-0997,; Washington,

Narcotics Anonymous,, for meeting locations


Alcoholics Anonymous, Moscow, (208) 882-1597

Alcohol-Drug Treatment and Referral, (800) 454-8966

Alliance Family Services Inc., 212 Rodeo Drive, No. 410, Moscow, (208) 882-5960;

Business Psychology Associates, (800) 922-3406, provides a 15 minute assessment over the phone and refers the client to the nearest, most appropriate agency, funding the client’s care through the agency the client chooses

Narcotics Anonymous, (208) 746-7632

Weeks & Vietri Counseling and Community Service, 818 S. Washington St., Moscow, (888) 875-2784, (208) 882-8514


Directory of Certified Chemical Dependency Services,

Washington Recovery Help Line, (866) 789-1511,

Alcoholics Anonymous, Clarkston, (509) 758-2821

Intensive Inpatient Program For Youth, (509) 334-0718

Palouse Recovery Center, 1240 SE Bishop Blvd., Suite P, Pullman, (509) 334-0718

Palouse River Counseling Center, 340 NE Maple St., Pullman, (509) 334-1133

Weeks & Vietri Counseling and Community Service, 818 S. Washington St., Moscow, (888) 875-2784, (208) 882-8514



Alliance Family Services Inc., 212 Rodeo Drive, No. 410, Moscow, (208) 882-5960;

Aspire Counseling Services, 200 S. Almon St., No. 204, Moscow, (208) 310-4578

Bridge Bible Fellowship, 960 W. Palouse River Drive, Moscow, (208) 882-0674

Community Christian Ministries, 516 S. Main St., Moscow, (208) 883-0997

Consumer Credit Counseling, (800) 556-0127

Counseling Center of the Palouse, 814 S. Washington St., Moscow, (208) 883-0619

Department of Health and Welfare, 1350 State Highway 8, No. 2, Moscow, (208) 882-0562

Educational and Psychological Services, 2301 W. A St., Suite C, Moscow, (208) 883-1144; 629 Sixth St., Clarkston, (509) 758-9698

Fraley & Associates PLLC, 3320 State Highway 8, Moscow, (509) 710-8171; 504 Main St., No. 422, Lewiston,

Healthy Balance, (208) 883-8745

Integrative Mindworks, 803 S. Jefferson St., No. 3, Moscow, (208) 882-8159

Kitzrow, Martha, 106 E. Third St., No. 6, Moscow, (208) 883-1842

Masom Counseling and Consulting, 106 E Third St., No. 2B, Moscow, (208) 882-1289

Nekich, Jamie, Ph.D., 814 S. Washington St., Moscow, (208) 885-5057

Paradise Creek Counseling, 619 S. Washington St., No. 301, Moscow, (208) 596-2542

Scott Community Care, 200 S. Almon St., Moscow, (208) 882-3504; 119 New Sixth St., Lewiston, (208) 746-9946

University of Idaho Student Counseling and Testing Center, Mary E. Forney Hall, No. 306, 1210 Blake Ave., Moscow, (208) 885-6716

Weeks & Vietri Counseling and Community Service, 818 S. Washington St., Moscow, (888) 875-2784, (208) 882-8514

Wellhouse Counseling Services, (208) 882-8340, Moscow and Pullman locations

Yama, Mark, Ph.D., P.O. Box 3033, Moscow, (208) 885-7376, (208) 882-2182


Bobo, Lori, 340 NE Maple St., Pullman, (509) 334-1133

Brown, Catherine, 1345 NE Terre View Drive, Pullman, (509) 334-4500

Funabiki, Dean, Ph.D. & Associates, 1205 SE Professional Mall Blvd., No.113, Pullman, (509) 334-0677

Langfield Psychological Services, 1240 SE Bishop Blvd., Pullman, (509) 334-0782

Lawhead, Bonita, 1240 SE Bishop Blvd., Pullman, (509) 334-0782

McCoy, Len, 1260 SE Bishop Blvd, Suite B, Pullman, (509) 338-9100

Palouse Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, 825 SE Bishop Blvd., No. 401, Pullman, (509) 339-2394

Palouse River Counseling Center, 340 NE Maple St., Pullman, (866) 871-6385, (509) 334-1133

Pullman Regional Hospital Behavioral Health, (509) 339-2394

Scott, Donna, Ph.D., Pullman, (509) 332-5605

Wilson Psychological Services, 1240 SE Bishop Blvd., Pullman, (509) 334-0782

Washington State University Counseling and Testing Center, 280 Lighty Student Services Building, P.O. Box 641065, Pullman, (509) 335-4511, after hours: (509) 335-2159, testing: (509) 335-1744

WSU Psychology Clinic, 362 Johnson Tower, Pullman, (509) 335-3587


IDAHO Region II Behavioral Health Crisis Line, (866) 449-3815

Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, (208) 882-2433; 1350 Troy Highway, No. 2, Moscow, (208) 882-0670; 1118 F St., P.O. Drawer B, Lewiston, (208) 799-4360;

Mental Health and Alcohol Services, 626 Eighth Ave., SE, Olympia, (888) 713-6010

Palouse River Counseling, 340 NE Maple St., Pullman, (866) 871-6385, (509) 334-1133


Alliance Family Services, 212 Rodeo Drive, No. 410, Moscow, (208) 882-5960

Opportunities Unlimited, 119 E. Fourth St., Moscow, (208) 883-5587

Region II Adult Mental Health and Children’s Mental Health, 1350 Troy Highway, No. 2, Moscow, (208) 882-0562

Scott Community Care, 200 S. Almon St., Moscow, (208) 882-3504; 119 New Sixth St., Lewiston, (208) 746-9946

Susan Call’s Case Management, 313 D St., Lewiston, (208) 798-8070

Weeks & Vietri Counseling and Community Service, 818 S. Washington St., Moscow, (888) 875-2784, (208) 882-8514



Department of Health and Welfare, (208) 882-2433; 1350 Troy Highway, No. 2, Moscow, (208) 882-0670; 1118 F St., P.O. Drawer B, Lewiston, (208) 799-4360;

Care Net of the Palouse, 1515 W. A St., Moscow, (208) 882-2370, provides pregnancy testing and obstetric ultrasound confidentially. Free of charge during the first one to two trimesters to confirm pregnancy through Wish Medical

CASA (Court Appointed Child Advocates), 1618 Idaho St., No. 100, Lewiston, (888) 746-2272, (208) 746-3378, guardian ad litem for child protection cases and volunteers available

Community Action Partnership, 428 W. Third St., No. 4, Moscow, (800) 326-4843, (208) 882-3535, Latah County family specialists to help with goal setting and self sufficiency; emergency and financial services; multiple resources

Direction Dynamics, Moscow, (208) 882-0440, family, child custody and divorce mediation and coaching/counseling

First Steps Program, (208) 883-6399, education and support for parents and parents to be

Healthy Mothers/Healthy Babies, Boise, (954) 765-0550

Department of Health and Welfare, Infant-Toddler Program, 1350 State Highway 8, No. 2, Moscow, (208) 882-0670, children birth to 3 with any disabilities

Idaho Human Services, (208) 334-5500

KinCare in Idaho, (208) 983-1738, support for grandparents raising grandchildren

La Leche League of the Palouse, (509) 334-5439, breast feeding support and monthly meetings, telephone help with breastfeeding questions

Lewis-Clark Early Childhood Program, 514 Northwood Drive, Moscow, (208) 883-3940, Head Start and services for ages 3-5 with preschool education, nutrition, screenings, help with resources and free preschool for low income families

Literacy Council of the Palouse, Moscow, (509) 592-5657, free and confidential tutoring to improve English speaking, reading, writing and math

Moscow Parent-Toddler Co-op, (208) 310-9344, field trips and group activities for parents and their children under 4; parenting library available

North Central District Health Department, 333 E. Palouse River Drive, Moscow, (208) 882-7506, “Ages and Stages” questionnaire program for birth to 36 months

WIC – Women with Infant Children, (208) 882-7353, dietary counseling and food vouchers for milk, formula, etc., to ensure healthy diet in pregnant women and children under 2; also includes other resources

Palouse Resource Network for Families, (509) 332-3524, resources and services for families

Success by Six of the Palouse, (208) 882-7162, mother-baby network for fun and support

Shriners, (208) 743-6916

University of Idaho Early Childhood Learning Center, (208) 885-6414

Wish Medical, 1515 W. A St., Moscow, (208) 892-9474, free pregnancy and STD testing

Within Reach, (800) 322-2588

Young Children and Families Programs, (886) 295-YCFP, (208) 883-6334, parenting education and support, in-home individualized programs and parent group activities in Latah and Whitman Counties


Community Action Center, 350 SE Fairmont Road, Pullman, (509) 334-9147, provides critical services to those in need, including housing, supplemental food, energy assistance, legal referrals, home weatherization and repair

Department of Early Learning, (360) 725-4665

Department of Social and Health Services, Child Protective Services, Children’s Administration, Colfax, (800) 642-5179, (509) 397-5040, provides free developmental services and supports to children to age 3 and their families

Community Childcare Center, Pullman, (509) 334-9290

Headstart and Early Childhood Assistance (ECEAP), (877) 909-7005, pre-school family service for families who have children in preschool

Division of Children and Family Services, (509) 332-4420, ages and stages program and early intervention program, free and available to qualifying children up to age 3

La Leche League of the Palouse, (208) 882-0357, breast feeding support, monthly meetings, telephone help with questions

Palouse Resource Network for Families, (509) 332-3524, resources and services for families

Pullman Child Welfare, (509) 338-0801, provides emergency food, clothes and gas to low income families with children in school

Pullman United Way, (509) 332-3691

Success by Six of the Palouse, (208) 882-7162, mother-baby network for fun and support

Young Children & Families Programs, (208) 883-6334

Early Learning Center, (509) 332-5117, (208) 882-5437, parenting education and support, in-home individualized programs and parent group activities in Latah and Whitman counties

Whitman County Health Department, Pullman, (509) 332-6752, WIC and well child clinic

Durable Medical Equipment and Supplies

Apria/Coram Healthcare, (800) 735-1153

Area Agency on Aging, Lewiston, (208) 743-5580, free equipment loan closet

Buri’s Medical Equipment, 119 S. Main St., Colfax, (877) 397-4635, (509) 397-4635

Disability Action Center, 505 N. Main St., Moscow, (208) 883-0523, free equipment loan closet

Inland Medical and Rehabilitation, 200 E. Second Ave., Suite B, Spokane, (509) 455-9385

Kinetic Concepts Incorporated (KCI), (800) 275-4524

Kootenai Prosthetic Orthotic Service Inc., 1321 W. Northwood Center Court, Coeur d’Alene, (208) 765-3080

LifeCare Solutions, 11703 E. Sprague Ave., Building C-3, Spokane Valley, (800) 475-0278, (509) 921-6560

Lincare, 428 W. Third St., No. 2, Moscow, (208) 882-1847

Marketime, Moscow, (208) 882-7541

Norco, 223 W. Third St., Moscow, (208) 882-3571

Northern Home Medical, 825 SE Bishop Blvd., No. 301, Pullman, (509) 334-6501

Northwest Respiratory & Medical, 619 S. Washington St., No. 102, Moscow, (208) 882-9746

Owl Home Medical, 312 St. John’s Way, Lewiston, (208) 743-7766

Sid’s Pharmacy, 825 SE Bishop Blvd., Pullman, (509) 332-4608

Wasem’s Home Medical, 800 Sixth St., Clarkston, (509) 758-2565


Elements of Wellness Aquatic and Manual Therapy, 872 Troy Highway, No. 170, Moscow, (208) 892-8888

Gritman Therapy Solutions, 810 S. Main St., Moscow, (208) 883-1522

McGreevy, Marianne & Quanta, Piko, 1035 NW Nye St., Pullman, (509) 332-3257

Moscow Mountain Physical Therapy, 872 Troy Highway, No. 180, Moscow, (208) 882-1426

Proformance Sport Physical Therapy, 1225 S. Grand Ave., Suite B, Pullman, (509) 338-9204

Pullman Sport Physical Therapy, 588 SE Bishop Blvd., Suite A, Pullman, (509) 332-7778

Summit Physical Therapy, 1620 SE Summit Court, Pullman, (509) 332-5106


Life Flight, 22285 Yellow Gate Lane, No. 102, Aurora, Ore., (503) 678-4364; Idaho membership, 2779 S. Liberty St., Boise, (800) 574-9464, (208) 362-3800; Washington and Oregon membership, P.O. Box 99, Aurora, Ore., (800) 982-9299, (503) 678-4370;

Northwest Medstar, P.O. Box 11005, Spokane Valley, (800) 572-3210; (509) 536-5462; membership, P.O. Box 469, Spokane, (855) UJOINUS, (855) 856-4687;

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