2021 One year ago
The Idaho State Board of Education approved a temporary change to the way K-12 public school funding is allocated. Instead of using daily attendance averages to calculate the distribution of funds, the board unanimously voted to use full-time student enrollment to determine where state funding goes this school year. “I think we’ll have a lot of relieved superintendents and business managers,” board President Kurt Liebich said after the vote. ... The University of Idaho medical education building will be named after longtime benefactor Durward Huckabay, while P1FCU scored naming rights on the Lewis-Clark State College Activity Center. Both actions were approved during the State Board of Education meeting. The Huckabay family established the Durward A. Huckabay scholarship endowment in 2019 to benefit students of UI’s WWAMI medical education program.
2017 Five years ago
Local law enforcement personnel traded in their police cars for shopping carts at the Moscow Walmart to help Latah County children shop for their families, and a little something for themselves, as part of the second annual Shop with a Cop event. A local law enforcement member — either from the Moscow Police Department, Latah County Sheriff’s Office, Idaho State Police or Idaho Department of Fish and Game — slowly cruised through the store with one of the 41 children scheduled to participate and helped the child select gifts for his or her family with a $75 Walmart gift card. ... Jordan Frost, Associated Students of Washington State University president, told the students sitting in front of him that for years they have wondered when the homeless would find homes, have hoped children would no longer starve, have prayed cancer would end its reign of terror and have put their faith and trust into world leaders and experts to solve these problems. “Well, as of today, we can no longer look to anyone else to solve the world’s problems,” Frost said to hundreds of WSU students at the school’s fall commencement Saturday morning at Beasley Coliseum in Pullman. “Now, it is up to us.”
2012 10 years ago
You can lead a sled dog, but getting a canine to ride shotgun in one was a bit more complicated during Potlatch’s Company Town Christmas celebration. Local volunteer EMT Dale Coy tried to re-create the experience, barking as his fellow crewmen pulled him from one end of Pine Street to the other. “Smooth on the get-go, right out of the gate,” he said. “But as we built up speed, there was a little imbalance on the way back. Other than that, it was a fine trip.”