2021 One year ago

Most members of the Moscow City Council are receptive to a drug detection dog and also expressed at a fiscal 2022 budget workshop that drug prevention and treatment are essential to curbing the city’s drug problem. Moscow Police Department Chief James Fry asked the council at the six-hour-long workshop to add a drug dog to the department’s budget. He said the dog would detect heroin, methamphetamine and fentanyl — three drugs that have led to overdose issues in the city, Fry said.

2017 Five years ago

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While most people only get to enjoy the outdoors for a couple days on a weekend camping trip, Rick Bishop and his low-riding 4-year-old basset hound will have spent five months nestled under the shade of the thick forest at Moose Creek Reservoir outside Bovill by the time cooler temperatures arrive in the fall. Bishop, 66, is in his second year as the campground host at the scenic camp area, which is owned by Latah County.

2012 10 years ago

The fact that Paul Weston hasn’t called London home in more than two decades meant little when the city’s bid to host the 2012 Summer Olympics was accepted. Nothing was going to stop him from being at the Games. Weston, who has lived in the United States for 17 years and is currently a massage therapist at Gritman Medical Center, could have gone the easy route and purchased tickets to the Games — but what fun would that be? Instead, Weston applied for and was accepted as a volunteer member of the London Olympic’s medical team that will serve some the world’s top athletes.

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