The holiday season is upon us. Here’s a look at coming festivities in the region. Have an event you’d like to see here? Send details to
Blue Christmas Service — 7 p.m. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church of Moscow, 111 S. Jefferson St. An interfaith service of remembrance, there will be reflective music by the Rose Garden Trio and short readings from the Bible and secular authors. For more information call the church office at (208) 882-2022 or email
“Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus” — Drinks and dessert start at 6 p.m. Show starts at 7 p.m. A staged reading at the 1912 Center from the Moscow Community Theater. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased at the door or at One night only, seats limited and masks required.
Pullman Santa Con — 4 p.m. The Land, 1525 NE Merman Drive, in Pullman. Dress in your best Santa outfit and join a Santa-themed crawl across Pullman. A donation of $10 at The Land gets a wristband to wear during the crawl, and an entrance into a raffle for Seattle Kraken tickets. Proceeds also go to the WSU Women’s Center.
Pullman Winter Market — 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Brelsford WSU Visitor Center, 150 E Spring St. in Pullman. A showcase of locally handcrafted goods in one spot for everyone to find.
Winter Wonderland Craft Fair — 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Zeppoz, 780 Bishop Blvd. in Pullman. Free to enter. Join local crafters and small businesses in the conference room off the restaurant. There will be apparel, jewelry, beauty products and other items. Enter to win a gift basket. Contact Cori Purnell at (509) 619-3816.
Moscow Winter Fayre — 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Latah County Fairgrounds, 1021 Harold St., Moscow. Food and artisan vendors.
Gingerbread House Extravaganza! — 11 a.m. to noon at the Palouse Library, 120 E. Main St. Drop off your entry in the contest. All houses will be displayed in St. Elmo’s windows with prizes for the winners.
Christmas Cookie and Hot Cocoa Station — 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Downtown Palouse by City Hall, 120 E. Main St. Festive treats available for everyone. Free.
Santa comes to Palouse — noon at the Palouse Community Center, 220 E. Main St. Hosted by the Lions Club. Masks required.
Double-Feature Drive-in Movie — 6 p.m. at the RV Park in Palouse, 490 W. Main St. Bundle up and tune the radio to watch “Charlie Brown’s Christmas” and “Muppets Christmas Carol.”
Christmas Pageant — 6 p.m. at Palouse Federated Church, 635 N. Bridge St., Palouse. An intergenerational pageant with live music and acting. Masks required.
Christmas Around the World — 10:30 a.m. at Community Congregational United Church of Christ at 525 NE Campus St. in Pullman. Part of the Sunday service. Music from various countries to celebrate the holidays.
Jack Alexander music concert — 4 p.m. at Community Congregational United Church of Christ at 525 NE Campus St. in Pullman. The program will include Scottish tunes, piano and organ duets and arrangements of Bach and Schubert. Free.
Dec. 21
Christmas shop in Deary — 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ACS Thrift Store, 405 Main St. in Deary. Look for Christmas decorations and holiday gifts with a “bag day” special of $4 per paper grocery bag. Some of the proceeds will go toward a new truck for the food bank.