Construction on new Deary Post Office begins Monday
The U.S. Postal Service announced construction on a new Deary Post Office location will begin Monday.
The USPS signed a lease to move the Deary Post Office to a building at 407 Line St. A firm date for move-in has not been set
The Deary Post Office has provided its services in a large postal vehicle since 2019, after the former post office building on Main Street and Third Avenue was determined to be in significant need of upgrades.
The postal vehicle was meant to be a temporary solution until a new site was located.
Bovill missing man case now considered suspicious
The Latah County Sheriff’s Office is now serving search warrants related to the missing person investigation of Bovill man Jeffrey Schroeder.
According to a Facebook post from the sheriff’s office, his disappearance is considered suspicious.
“Detectives are hopeful that the execution of these search warrants will lead them to further information of Mr. Schroeder whereabouts,” the Facebook post reads.
Schroeder, 67, was last seen Feb. 9 in Bovill. He is 5 feet, 10 inches tall and weighs approximately 140 pounds, has brown hair and brown eyes. He was last seen wearing blue jeans, a long sleeve green shirt, a blue Levi jacket with a Sherpa lining, work boots and baseball cap.
The case is currently under investigation by the Latah County Sheriff’s Office detectives. People with information on this case can contact Detective Monte Russell at (208) 882-2216.
Bridge construction starts Monday near Potlatch
The Idaho Department of Transportation will begin construction Monday on two bridges on U.S. Highway 95 near Potlatch. They will be replacing the 1947 bridge over the Washington-Idaho Railroad first and then work on the 1939 bridge over Deep Creek. Turn lanes will be added to at the junction of U.S. 95 and State Highway 6, as well as U.S. 95 and Kennedy Ford Road.
Drivers should check for updated traffic impacts related to the project. Replacement of the bridges is expected to be completed in November, and there will be open meetings at 10 a.m. every Wednesday at Potlatch City Hall, 95 Sixth St., in Potlatch during construction.
Moscow Mental Health Walk registration open
The Moscow Mental Health Walk registration is open until May 31 or when space is full. Participants can participate at the in-person event or throughout the month of May, which is Mental Health Awareness Month. The in-person walk is scheduled from 9:30 a.m. to noon April 9 starting at the Palouse Clearwater Environmental Institute Pavillion. Registration can be done online at
The walk is hosted by Latah Alliance on Mental Illness, Latah Recovery Center, Disability Action Center NW and 3Forks Bikes Shop. Participates receive a lime green T-shirt and a bag of swag. Time and photos can be submitted online to be entered to win prizes in the free raffles. There will be speakers, presentations, resources, water and snacks at the in-person event.
Martin Luther King Art and Essay winners announced
The Latah County Human Rights Task Force has announced the winners of the 2022 Martin Luther King Art and Essay Contest. The awards will be presented at 9:30 a.m. Saturday at the 1912 Center LeCompte Auditorium, 412 E. Third St, and will be presented by Dist. 5 Senator David Nelson of Moscow.
The art first place winners are: Second grade — Elaine Meerten from St. Mary’s School and Ezra Wright from Moscow Charter School; Third grade — Nola Johnson from St. Mary’s School; Fourth grade — Joshua Potirniche from John Russell Elementary School.
Essay winners from Tiffany Scripter’s class at Moscow Middle School are Abigale Daniels, McKenna Sept and Charlie Roeler. Essay winners from the classes of Rachel Lyon and Anne Hightower at Moscow High School are Maja Singenstreu, Ian Schalter and Rosalyn Gardner.