The Moscow Police Department says the reported Nov. 11 sexual assault near Ghormley Park was a false report.
According to a city news release, the University of Idaho campus division of the MPD completed an investigation into the incident.
Police were told that a person walking toward the UI campus was sexually assaulted after a male pulled them into a van near Ghormley Park. No descriptions of the vehicle or suspect were provided.
This report prompted the UI to send out a Vandal Alert warning people about the alleged incident. In the news release following the initial report, the MPD addressed rumors about a “serial rapist” being in the area of the UI and Washington State University. WSU Police responded to a report of a possible assault in Pullman last month, but later announced that report was “unfounded.”
“At this time, MPD still does not have information which would indicate that there is a suspect who is assaulting multiple people in the area,” the MPD said in the Nov. 12 news release.
In the city’s statement released Wednesday, the MPD said there is no indication that a rape suspect is at large in the area.
“We are hopeful the findings of this investigation can help bring feelings of relief and security back to our community and to students on the University of Idaho campus,” the police said.