2022 One year ago
In June 2020, Ijeoma Oluo was told her book, “So You Want to Talk About Race” was the No. 1 New York Times bestseller. Most authors would be excited, but Oluo was livid. The reality of being a woman of color has come with undeniable difficulty, especially when she sees her people are being murdered all over the country. “Oh, so now you can read a book? Now you can have this conversation?” Oluo said, talking about people reaching out to her after her novel got publicity. “It was not a celebration at all.” ... Alaska Airlines’ Embraer 175 jetliners have landed on the Palouse and are here to stay. The Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport started offering jet services for the first time Thursday. Alaska Airlines has replaced its Q400 turboprops with the new Embraer 175, offering a range of amenities including first-class seating, said Tony Bean, executive director of the airport. Scheduled jet service became available for Boise flights Thursday and will take over Seattle flights in November.
2018 Five years ago
In a meeting like few others, sexual assault survivors affected by the recent testimony from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh recounted their own stories — some speaking publicly about their experiences for the first time. The meeting—- dubbed the solidarity circle — was hosted by the University of Idaho chapter of the Planned Parenthood Generation Action Network in the Whitewater Room at the Idaho Commons and provided anyone in attendance an opportunity to speak if they wished. ... Dozens of teenage female aspiring engineers were tasked with crafting small contraptions from rubber bands, tongue depressors, red solo cups and various other materials Friday on the University of Idaho campus. The day’s challenge: create a device that could launch, hurl or otherwise fling small projectiles. The event was part of the UI’s 26th annual Women in Engineering Day, which brought a crowd of potentially soon-to-be female engineers from high schools throughout the region.
2013 10 years ago
University of Idaho Professor Dennis Scarnecchia, a faculty member of the College of Natural Resources’ Department of Fish and Wildlife Science since 1990, recently received American Fisheries Societies Fisheries Management Sections Award of Excellence at its annual meeting in Little Rock Ark. Scarnecchia has researched some of the world’s oldest fish for more than 23 years at UI. He became interested in prehistoric fish after an experience monitoring a paddlefish snag fishery on the Missouri and Yellowstone rivers of western North Dakota and eastern Montana. His work resulted in a sustainable model of fish management. ... Discovery Education, a national organization that provides professional development and technology to schools, announced it has named a Moscow High School teacher as a STAR Discovery Educator. Social studies teacher Gerald Dalebout earned the recognition for using Discovery Education digital media products and services in his classroom, according to a press release. The organization praised him “for his commitment to harnessing digital learning to inspire students’ curiosity and prepare them for future careers.”