2021 One year ago
A new wheelchair-accessible playground at Lena Whitmore Elementary School opened to students and the broader Moscow community. The school’s principal, Kendra McMillan, said the project to construct an Americans with Disabilities Act-friendly playground on school grounds was four years in the making. “At the time, our Parent Advisory Team was looking for a new capital project to benefit the school, and we just happened to have a kindergartener in a wheelchair,” she said. “We noticed it was really tough for her to get into the different sections of the playground.” … Under a cloudy, but temporarily dry sky, Hope Belschner, 19, took to a chilly outdoor stage with her Irish dance troupe at the Latah County Fair in Moscow. The performance was among just a handful for her in a year where public gatherings have been limited by the COVID-19 pandemic, said Belschner, an instructor and choreographer for the group from Rince Na Gra School of Irish Dance in Moscow. The Irish dancers were among hundreds of people at the Latah County Fair, which featured 4-H exhibits, food vendors, commercial booths and carnival rides.
2017 Five years ago
Starr Olson, 25, is a supervisor at Papa Murphy’s in Moscow and a mother of two — 3-year-old Maysun and 1-year-old Nevaeh. She’s also a former intravenous drug user, and a participant in Latah County Mental Health Court after she was charged with burglary about two years ago. The program, which launched in October 2007, allows individuals charged with felonies to participate in four phases of classes, counseling and court for a chance to get their felony dismissed. ... Their coach views digital technology with a certain amount of skepticism, and maybe their quarterback does, too. Nonetheless, the Washington State Cougars have purchased software that allows football players, particularly quarterbacks, to augment their training through virtual reality. The program they use, Virtual Augmented Reality, is one of several things the Cougars have in common with their opponent this week, Nevada.
2012 10 years ago
The U.S. flag in downtown Pullman’s Cougar Plaza had seen better days. Just after the sun had set, a group of Pullman firefighters shone a floodlight on the flag, revealing its faded colors and frayed ends that had gotten caught up in a nearby tree branch. A few minutes later, about two dozen Boy and Cub Scouts, their adult leaders and family members filed into the plaza to pay their respects to Old Glory and replace it with a new one. ... Melissa Abrams is the ketchup to her skating partner’s mustard out on the track. If that doesn’t make sense, it’s because it’s just one of many inside names the Rolling Hills Derby Dames have for one another on the team. Abrams’ Derby name is Meryl Streak, and she skates with players like Daq in the Box, Kraken, Chiro Smack Chick and Lethally Blonde.