With just a handful more votes to count, Francis Benjamin has defeated Debra McNeil in the Pullman mayor’s race.
Final results for the Whitman County election Nov. 7 will be announced at 8 p.m. next Tuesday. The county auditor has processed around 9,900 ballots, with a few dozen left to count.
Benjamin tallied 2,442 votes, beating McNeil with 2,196.
Ann Parks, incumbent, retained the Ward 1 Pullman City Council seat with 2,194 votes, to 505 for Dan Maher. Maher said he misfiled but did not formally withdraw his name from the race; his name still appeared on the ballot.
Incumbent Pat Wright beat CJ Robert for the Ward 3 seat, 626 votes to 447.
Eric Fejeran will be the next Ward 6 council member, defeating Holly Greystone 2,247 votes to 1,970.
Tim Sievers, incumbent, beat April Borden for Palouse mayor with 314 votes to 147 votes.
Sarah Sevedge will be the next Ward 6 councilor in Colfax. She beat Dustin Guenthner 499 votes to 205.
Richard Dean Marty beat Nate Pierson for Endocott mayor 81 votes to 15.
Debbie Wolfe, incumbent, retained the Endicott council Ward 1 seat, beating Don Adsitt 83 votes to 27.
Nick Nicora won the council Ward 3 position, beating Megan Webster 51 votes to 48.
Destiny Corean beat Thomas Webster for the Ward 5 council seat 60 votes to 34.
It appears Farmington’s street maintenance levy of $18,000 passed with 32 approving votes to 30 disapproving votes. Property owners would pay an extra $298 per $100,000 in assessed home value.
A levy of $10,000 to finance the town’s expense fund was approved 34 votes to 28. Homeowners would pay an additional $165 per $100,000 in assessed home value.
St. John
Melissa Edminster won the District 3 director of the St. John School District. She beat Dallas Loomis 317 votes to 102.
Roy Schulz will be the next mayor of Tekoa, beating Shelly Ausmus 158 votes to 123.
Mandi Prince won the Tekoa City Council Ward 1 seat with 148 votes to 131 votes for Todd Jensen.
Pete Martin beat Brad Chandler in the race for the Tekoa City Council Ward 3 seat 142 votes to 137.
Lydia Fletcher won the Tekoa Council Ward 7 position with 168 votes to 111 for Cheri Currier.
Margaret Severson beat Nate Dykes for Rosalia Parks and Recreation District seat 5 150 votes to 111.
Levies and turnout
All levies in Whitman County towns appeared to pass.
Whitman County has 22,562 registered voters, and the voter turnout was around 44%. About 9,907 ballots have been counted as of Monday, with an estimated 25 left to count.
Pearce can be reached at epearce@dnews.com