Pollinator Expo — 10 a.m. to noon, Palouse Clearwater Environmental Institute, 1040 Rodeo Drive, Moscow. A pollinator photo contest, planting ideas, bee house construction and more. For more information visit
Seed Swap — 10 a.m. Palouse Library, 120 E. Main St., Palouse. Opening of the Palouse Library’s Seed Library. Seeds include vegetables and flowers. For more information call (509) 397-4366.
Master Gardener at Endicott Library — 10 a.m. Endicott Library, 324 E. St., Endicott. Washington State University Master Gardener Kathy Prout will share tips and tricks to successful bed and container gardening. For more information call (509) 397-4366.
Pullman Distinguished Young Women Program — 3 p.m., Pullman High School auditorium, 510 NW Greyhound Way, Pullman. Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for kindergarten through 12th grade.
Rendezvous Showcase — 7-10 p.m. Kenworthy Performing Arts Centre, 508 S. Main St., Moscow. Showcase and voting for the opening acts of Rendezvous in the Park.
Garfield-Palouse Distinguished Young Women program — 4 p.m. Garfield School auditorium, 810 Third St., Garfield. Tickets are $10 for those 12 and older.
Idaho Food Bank Distribution — 10 a.m., Latah County Fairgrounds, 1021 Harold St., Moscow. Food boxes of fresh produce, frozen meats, dairy and dry goods will be available until boxes are gone. All boxes are free.
Move it March — 5 p.m. Rabbit Hills Preserve, Palouse Clearwater Environmental Institute, 1040 Rodeo Drive, Moscow. Free guided walk provided by the Palouse Land Trust. For more information visit
International Connections at WSU — 1:30 p.m. Lewis Alumni Center, Washington State University, Pullman and via Zoom. Registration required online at Vice President for International Program Asif J. Chaudhry will discuss WSU’s role internationally.