Local News & NorthwestFebruary 5, 2022

Idaho’s primary election will take place in May, with the general in November

Angela Palermo Daily News staff writer

Latah County Commissioner Tom Lamar announced his bid for reelection in a news release Thursday evening.

Lamar first began serving in the position in 2015 and has been reelected twice since then. He was selected as the board’s chair by commissioners of both parties.

“I am proud to serve all the people of Latah County,” Lamar said. “I will continue to inspire other elected leaders in our region to act on our shared values, collaborate effectively to solve problems and provide much needed services.”

Commissioners in Idaho serve rotating two-year and four-year terms, leaving two officials on the ballot for every election.

Lamar previously spent seven years as a Moscow City Council member and taught conservation leadership at the University of Idaho for six years. He currently serves as vice-chairman of the North Central Idaho Behavioral Health Board and secretary of the Palouse Knowledge Corridor.

He’s also the county liaison to the Palouse Basin Aquifer Committee and the Latah County Historical Society.

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“Every day I work on a range of issues brought to me by our residents, such as: promoting fair and affordable housing, preserving open space, enhancing mental health services, supporting our workforce with childcare options and protecting drinking water in our communities,” he said.

Since 1990, Lamar has operated as executive director of the Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute, a conservation group based in Moscow.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in biology and anthropology from the University of Delaware and a master’s degree in environmental science from Washington State University.

“I am working to foster growth in Latah County that results in well-paying jobs and thriving communities where our children choose to stay and have the opportunity to raise families,” Lamar said.

Idaho’s primary election will be held May 17, with the general election Nov. 8. The deadline for candidates to file for county or state office is 5 p.m. March 11.

If reelected, Lamar would begin his next term in January 2023. More information about Lamar can be found on his website at tomlamar.org.

Palermo can be reached at apalermo@dnews.com or on Twitter @apalermotweets.

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