
Presentation on climate action plan scheduled

The League of Women Voters of Moscow has announced Kelli Cooper, environmental education and sustainability specialist with the city of Moscow, will discuss the city’s draft climate action plan at noon Wednesday via Zoom. The link to the Zoom meeting is available at

Cooper will discuss the process of developing the plan and the challenges faced in its development. She will also give an overview of the plan and what steps the city outlines to reduce emissions in the plan. Cooper received a bachelor’s degree in Earth and environmental science and geology from Washington State University. She has been working for the city since 2016 and full time since the fall of 2019.

Idaho Library Association welcomes award nominations

The Idaho Library Association has opened nominations for the Idaho Library Awards. The deadline to submit a nomination is June 3.

Awards include Idaho Public Library of the year, trustee of the year, school librarian of the year and special services to libraries award.

There are two scholarships available for students working towards a degree in library science or engaging in library-related continuing education.

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The complete list of awards and full criteria is available at Contact the committee at with questions.

Scholarship application now open for Whitman County students

The Whitman County Association of Realtors is offering a $1,000 scholarship to graduating Whitman County high school students who will be attending Washington State University in the fall. Applications are due electronically or postmarked by April 29 to be considered.

The application is available online or by contacting your school counselor. The scholarship application requires a letter of acceptance, letter of recommendation, a copy of your transcripts and an essay on educational goals.

Alzheimer support group now meeting in person in Moscow

The Alzheimer’s Association is continuing the monthly support meetings for those providing care to Alzheimer’s or other dementias, and the meetings are now available in person. The meetings are from 11 a.m. to noon on the second Monday of every month at Trinity Baptist Church, 711 Fairview Drive, in Moscow.

For more information on the meeting, contact Tammie Poe at (208) 874-3462 or or Jill Crump at (208) 892-4338 or For 24/7 support contact the Alzheimer’s Association at (800) 272-3900 or visit

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