Pullman legislative issue forum scheduled for Monday
The Pullman League of Women Voters and the Pullman Chamber of Commerce will co-sponsor an issue forum at 7 p.m. via Zoom on Monday. A link to access the meeting can be found on the league website at lwvpullman.org.
The forum will discuss legislation regarding comprehensive sexual health education for all students unless a parent requests that his/her student be excused.
More information can be found on the Pullman league website at lwvpullman.org. No questions will be taken during the event, however questions can be submitted in advance to lwvpull@yahoo.com. Please include the phrase “issue question” in the subject line of your email.
LWV candidate forum scheduled for Thursday
This year’s Moscow League of Women Voters Candidate Forum will take place from 7-9 p.m. Wednesday and will be streamed live on the league’s Facebook page, facebook.com/moscowlwv. There will be no in-person audience participation, as numbers are limited by social distancing requirements established by the city.
Participants in contested races scheduled to appear include: Dist. 5 House Seat A, Dulce Kersting-Lark (D) and Brandon Mitchell (R); House Seat B, Caroline Nilsson Troy (R), Renee Love (D), and James Hartley (C); and District 5 Senate candidates Dan Foreman (R) and David Nelson (D).
The forum will conclude with the candidates for Latah County Commissioner District 2, Tom Lamar (D) and Gabriel Rench (R).
Meal program to continue until the year ends
The Moscow School District has been approved to continue its free meal program through the end of December. Any child ages 1-18 can receive a free meal either at school (if they are physically attending school that day), at one of the meals bus stops or at the curbside pick-up meal distribution located at Lena Whitmore School (if they are not physically attending school that day). The meals bus stop locations and drop off times can be found at msd281.org/meals/meals_bus_stop_locations.
Curbside meal pick-up is available 11 a.m. to noon. at Lena Whitmore Elementary School, 110 S. Blaine St.,Curbside meals will not be available and meal routes will not run on Oct. 7 and Oct. 14 as those are scheduled professional development days for district staff.
Meal packages distributed via the curbside pickup and the meals bus stops will consist of both breakfast and lunch. Students physically attending school can get breakfast in their school cafeteria upon arrival at school, and lunch during their regularly scheduled lunch period.
Any questions regarding this program should be directed to Kendra Grove, Moscow School District Student Nutrition Supervisor at (208) 892-1123 or grovek@msd281.org.