Pullman, Moscow irrigation seasons start Thursday

The City of Pullman has announced the 2023 outdoor irrigation season will start Thursday instead of the June 1 date listed in Pullman City Code after evaluating soil conditions and forecasted weather.

According to Pullman city code, even addresses may irrigate Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Odd addresses may irrigate Wednesdays, Fridays and Sunday. Irrigation is prohibited between 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on any day regardless of address. Exemptions to the water conservation regulations can be found online at pullman.municipal.codes/Code/10B.05.040.

The Moscow 2023 outdoor irrigation season also will start Thursday. Irrigation is allowed from 6 p.m. to 10 a.m. during the season and residents are encouraged to not irrigate until precipitation and soil moisture decrease and the landscape needs supplemental water. Additional information and Water Conservation Ordinance Variance Application is located online at ci.moscow.id.us/651/Irrigation-Season.

May Artwalk in Moscow on Thursday

The Moscow Artwalk for May is scheduled from 4-8 p.m. Thursday at multiple locations throughout Moscow. Two new storm drain murals will be unveiled, one at the corner of Second and Main streets with art from Bernadette Johnson, and another at the corner of Fourth and Main streets by Maggie Keefe. A complete list of host locations can be found online at ci.moscow.id.us/189/Artwalk.

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Latah AARP meeting Friday in Moscow

The Latah AARP May meeting will be noon Friday at the Best Western University Inn, 1516 W. Pullman Rd., Moscow. There will be presentations from the Senior Health Insurance Benefits Agency and Area Agency on Aging on resources available to Latah County seniors. Information will be available about a fraud alert program scheduled for 1 p.m. June 12 at the Potlatch Senior Center, 645 Pine St., Potlatch.

Lunch reservations for the Friday meeting must be made by noon today by calling AARP President Louise Regelin at (208) 882-2789. Lunch costs $16 and will be served at 11:30 a.m. Seating will be available for those who do not want lunch.

Palouse developmental screening appointments available

Families of Palouse preschool, kindergarten and transitional kindergarten students are invited to schedule a free developmental screening on May 31. Preregistration information will be available at the screenings as well.

The screening will cover hearing, vision, motor skills, speech, language and developmental milestones. To schedule an appointment call (509) 878-1921. For more information or to ask questions contact Alisa Vulliet at avuliet@garpal.net.


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