Local News & NorthwestOctober 28, 2020

Free flu vaccines for adults Thursday in Palouse

A free flu vaccine station for adults will be open at the Palouse Library from 3-5 p.m. Thursday.

Walk-ins will be welcome on a first-come, first-served basis, but people are encouraged to book a time slot in advance by contacting Deanna Claybaugh at (509) 397-6280 or via email at deanna.claybaugh@co.whitman.wa.us.

Albion Library to have virtual Halloween events Thursday

The Albion Library will have two online Halloween events on Thursday.

The first event — a reading of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” — will take place at 3:30 p.m. and be directed toward children in fourth grade and above.

The second event — a family-friendly spooky storytime — will take place at 7 p.m. and feature scary stories read by a librarian.

Free apple cider mixes, hot chocolate mixes and snacks will be available for pickup from 3:30-6:30 p.m. at the Albion Library.

For more information, contact albion@whitco.lib.wa.us or call (509) 338-9641.

Colfax Library to have story event Friday

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The Colfax Library will have two family-friendly storytime sessions on Friday, one at 10:30 a.m. and one at 11 a.m. Each story session will include finger plays. Audience space will be limited to ensure social distancing guidelines are met.

Families are encouraged to dress up in nonscary costumes and face masks will be required.

To reserve a spot, call librarian Nichole Kopp at (509) 397-4366.

Three libraries to offer trick-or-treat activity bags Friday

Trick-or-treat activities bags will be available for pick up all day on Friday at the Colfax, Palouse and St. John Libraries.

Bags will be geared toward children between preschool and sixth grade, and contain hands-on candy experiment activity sheets, supplies and treats.

Friends of Phillips Farm to have geocaching event

The Friends of Phillips Farm is now offering a geocaching experience as the last event in its Fall Farm Event series at Virgil Phillips Farm County Park north of Moscow.

Those interested can print a map and activity directions from the friends’ website, friendsofphillipsfarm.weebly.com, then search for seven geocaches hidden throughout the park.

A treasure hunt activity designed for younger children is also set up and begins at the farm’s upper gazebo.

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