Local News & NorthwestJanuary 27, 2021

Genesee museum earns grant for upgrades

White Spring Ranch Museum/Archive Library in Genesee was awarded $2,030 to be used for infrastructure upgrades to assist in original document preservation.

The grant from the Idaho Humanities Council was part of the $66,807 given to nonprofits, agencies and individuals across Idaho to enhance public awareness, appreciation and understanding of the humanities in the state, according to a council news release.

The 29 grants include 15 major grants for public humanities programs, four research fellowships, six opportunity grants and four teacher incentive grants. The grants were supported in part by funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Idaho Humanities Council’s Endowment for Humanities Education.

The director for the White Spring Ranch project is Diane Conroy.

Moscow Farmers Market seeks vendors for 2021

The City of Moscow Community Events Division and Farmers Market Commission invites individuals with small, independent and start-up enterprises to participate in the annual Moscow Farmers Market Craft and Food juries. Participants that receive a qualifying score are eligible to become a vendor with the Moscow Farmers Market for the 2021 season.

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Prospective vendors are encouraged to submit reservation forms for one of three jury dates. Reservations must be submitted by 5 p.m. on the following dates: Feb. 24 for the March 5 jury; March 3 for the March 12 jury; and March 17 for the March 26 jury. All jury materials must be submitted online at moscowarts.submittable.com/submit. Physical or email submissions are not accepted.

Juries are open to individuals offering items such as crafts, artisan goods, and prepared, packaged, processed and/or ready-to-eat foods. Prospective vendors have the opportunity to set up a six-foot table display as if they were at the market. All jury participants are required to be the maker and/or producer of the products they sell, and have their business operations based within a 200 air-mile radius of Moscow.

For additional details about becoming a vendor, visit www.ci.moscow.id.us/615/Prospective-Vendors.

Fly casting group to meet via Zoom

Clearwater Fly Casters will meet virtually via Zoom at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 10 with a scheduled speaker set for 7 p.m.

Buck Ryan, executive director of Snake River Waterkeeper, will share a brief discussion on the cutting-edge advocacy for clean water, the Snake River dams, and the vanishing salmon and steelhead runs.

Call (509) 878-1654 for more information to attend the meeting and presentation.

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