Local News & NorthwestFebruary 1, 2017

Pullman firefighters erect a tripod crane to lift an injured Washington State University Facilities Services worker out of a steam tunnel on Grimes Way Tuesday in Pullman. The worker was injured in a fall and transported to Pullman Regional Hospital by ambulance.
Pullman firefighters erect a tripod crane to lift an injured Washington State University Facilities Services worker out of a steam tunnel on Grimes Way Tuesday in Pullman. The worker was injured in a fall and transported to Pullman Regional Hospital by ambulance.Geoff Crimmins/Daily News
Pullman firefighters use a tripod crane to lift an injured Washington State University Facilities Services worker out of a steam tunnel on Grimes Way Tuesday in Pullman. The worker was injured in a fall and transported to Pullman Regional Hospital by ambulance.
Pullman firefighters use a tripod crane to lift an injured Washington State University Facilities Services worker out of a steam tunnel on Grimes Way Tuesday in Pullman. The worker was injured in a fall and transported to Pullman Regional Hospital by ambulance.Geoff Crimmins/Daily News

A man was injured Tuesday in a fall in a steam tunnel on the Washington State University campus on Grimes Way in Pullman.

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Pullman firefighters erected a tripod crane to lift the injured Washington State University Facilities Services worker out of the tunnel. The injured man was transported to Pullman Regional Hospital by ambulance.

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