The Moscow School Board voted to continue its mask mandate for the remainder of the semester following a recommendation from Superintendent Greg Bailey at a regular meeting Wednesday night.
Face coverings for students and staff have been required indoors since the beginning of the school year. The vote to continue with masks was unanimous.
“I hate masks as much as everybody else, but I do recommend that we mask for the remainder of the semester,” Bailey said. “Because I do not see (COVID-19) going away.”
Board Chairman Ken Faunce said he’s received 16 emails from constituents in his zone who support extending the mask mandate.
One couple spoke during the public comment period to voice support of the mandate, as well as concern for ongoing in-person learning. Niels and Erin Damman have two children in the school district, one enrolled at Lena Whitmore Elementary School and another at Moscow Middle School.
“If we were seeing these numbers last year, I believe we would have gone right back down to at least half, if not completely online schooling,” Niels said. “I’m concerned that we’re still at full time.”
Latah County added 23 new cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday, according to an update from Public Health – Idaho North Central District. Six of those cases include people younger than 18.
Vaccination against COVID-19 is currently not available to children younger than 12.
“Both our kids are not of the age to be vaccinated yet,” Niels said. “We feel like we cannot do anything else on our side.”
After the measure was approved, board Vice-Chairman Jim Frenzel advised the requirement be revised as necessary.
In other business, the school board:
Joined other school districts in Idaho and surrounding states in a class action lawsuit against e-cigarette maker, JUUL Labs. The litigation asks the company to provide funding relief to offset costs involved with ensuring vaping devices aren’t used in school settings.
Approved by unanimous vote the district medical and dental insurance contracts for 2022.
Passed a request for bids to purchase two buses as part of a replacement schedule that happens each year.
Selected Mackenzie David Baxter to fill a special education position at Lena Whitmore Elementary School.
Voted to release school district nurse, Amy Conway, from her contract providing a replacement can be found. Bailey said Conway is willing to stay until the position is filled.
Palermo can be reached at or on Twitter @apalermotweets.