Staff report

Primary elections in Idaho and Washington are scheduled for today. Here’s the basics on when, how and where you can vote.

Latah County

In-person voting for today’s presidential primary election is today. Levies for Genesee, Kendrick, Potlatch and Troy school districts will also be on the ballots for those — whether affiliated or unaffiliated with a political party — living in those areas.

The polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. today. All absentee ballots must be returned by 8 p.m. to the Latah County Courthouse to be counted.

For a list of polling locations, visit

Constitution Party, Democratic Party, nonpartisan, and Republican Party ballots are available for the primary.

According to a news release from Latah County Clerk/Auditor/Recorder Henrianne Westberg, the Republican Party requires all voters to affiliate as Republican. The Democratic Party allows registered Democrats and unaffiliated voters. The Constitution Party is open to all Constitution Party members and unaffiliated voters.

Poll workers will ask voters to fill out a short Change of Party Affiliation form if they are moving from one party affiliation to another, the release said.

An unaffiliated voter can request a Democrat ballot and stay unaffiliated after the election. Should a voter who is unaffiliated request a Republican ballot, they must affiliate Republican and will remain a Republican after the election.

Six Constitution presidential candidates are on the Constitution Party ballot, 17 Democratic presidential candidates are on the Democratic Party ballot and six Republican presidential candidates, including President Donald Trump, are on the Republican Party ballot.

Some candidates have withdrawn from the presidential race but their names will still appear on the appropriate ballot.

The release said voters have Wednesday through Friday to go online or visit the clerk’s office at the Latah County Courthouse to change their party affiliation for the May 19 state primary election.

For Latah County, the release said candidates on the May ballot are for the U.S. House and Senate, the Idaho House and Senate, two county commissioner positions, the county prosecuting attorney and the county sheriff.

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For questions about which affiliation voters are currently listed as, visit or call the Latah County Clerk’s Office at (208) 883-2249.

As for the school district levies, Genesee Joint School District is asking for a $935,000 maintenance and operations levy for the next fiscal year, starting July 1.

Kendrick Joint School District is requesting an $810,000 maintenance and operations levy for the next fiscal year, starting July 1.

The Potlatch School District is requesting a $1,750,000 maintenance and operations levy for the next fiscal year, starting July 1.

Troy School District is requesting a $995,000 maintenance and operations levy for the next fiscal year, starting July 1.

Voters can vote for or against the four proposed levies.

Whitman County

Today is the final day for Washington residents to mail in their Presidential Primary ballots.

It is also the last day to register to vote in person at the Whitman County Elections Center in Colfax.

Presidential candidates from both parties are on the ballot. Voters are required to declare a party on the return envelope. If a voter marks the Democratic Party box, they must vote for a Democrat. If they mark the Republican box, they must vote for a Republican.

Ballot boxes are available during business hours at the Whitman County Elections Center and Pullman City Hall.

Deposit boxes available 24 hours are located behind the Whitman County Elections Center, at 238 SE Paradise St. in Pullman, and at the Washington State University campus outside the Compton Union Building.

Ballots must be deposited or postmarked by Election Day. On that day, ballot boxes are available 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Elections Center and Pullman City Hall.

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