Washington state Sen. Mark Schoesler, R-Ritzville, was arrested Saturday when he was accused of driving drunk after attending the Ritzville Rodeo.
Around 9:30 p.m., another rodeo attendee called police to report the longtime lawmaker was involved in a suspected DUI collision, according to court records. The witness reported Schoesler, 67, had backed his car into a parked vehicle twice before trying to leave the fairgrounds parking lot.
A police officer arrived to the scene at the Wheat Land Fairgrounds to find Schoesler sitting behind the wheel in his silver Chevy pickup showing “obvious signs of intoxication.”
The officer took Schoesler to the Adams County Jail to administer field sobriety and blood-alcohol tests. He reportedly failed both, with a blood-alcohol content of 0.14, nearly twice the legal limit of 0.08. Law enforcement told the Cheney Free Press that Schoesler was “100% cooperative” with the tests.
Schoesler was reportedly arrested with a citation and released into the custody of a family member later that night on a promise to appear for his court date.
His citation was referred to Adams County District Court. His first court date is scheduled for Sept. 12.
Schoesler has served in the Washington Legislature since 1992. A former senate Republican leader, the lawmaker is a lifelong farmer who represents the 9th Legislative District, spanning much of Eastern Washington, including parts of Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Franklin, Garfield, Lincoln, south Spokane and Whitman counties. Schoesler previously served in the state House of Representatives for 12 years before he was elected to the state Senate.
The state senator did not respond Wednesday to a Spokesman-Review reporter’s request for comment. State senate Republican Party leadership did not respond Wednesday to the reporter’s request for comment. Ritzville Police Chief Dave McCormick did not respond to a request for an interview.