Dr. Edmund E. Tylutki, 98, of Moscow — 10:30 a.m. rosary 11 a.m. funeral Mass celebrated by Father Benjamin Onyemachi, St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 618 E. First St., Moscow. Concluding service and urn placement will take place immediately after the Mass at Moscow Cemetery. A luncheon reception will follow the grave site service at St. Mary’s Family Center.
Irma Louise Swift Davis, 96, of Lewiston — 10 a.m., funeral, Sprague Community Church, 204 W. Fourth St., Sprague, Wash. Vault interment will follow at the MacCabee Cemetery.
Elizabeth Q. South, 86, of Troy — 2 p.m. celebration of life, her home, 1021 Claypit Road, Troy. Please bring stories from her life. Snacks and drinks will be provided.
Jennie (Kirby) McGregor, 74, of Pullman — 12:30 p.m. time of remembrance, United Church of Moscow, 123 W. First St., Moscow.