OpinionApril 12, 2024


Once again, I find myself skewered for words I never wrote. In a recent letter, David Bakken referred to me as a “professor” and, because of that and a voracious appetite for the study of history and politics, I qualify, in his words, as an “elitist.”

I grinned. Anyone slightly familiar with my columns over the years is aware that I taught American government as a lecturer, never claiming to be a professor.

As for being tagged an elitist, upon completion of my doctorate — instead of making my career in academia as WSU professor of computer science Bakken has done — I returned to my real love taking apart old, toothsome, porthole Buicks in my classic car junkyard. I have always found my intimates among regular, down-to-earth folks and am unimpressed by letters after someone’s name (my own included). Bakken’s letter was sadly misinformed as to who I am and what I’ve written for publication.

Steve McGehee


Slippery slope

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Not many years ago, the huge majority of Americans were aghast that some Muslim traditions practiced genital mutilation of young girls. Now we have a growing number of Americans supporting, and medically practicing, the idea that boys can become girls and girls can become boys because they “feel” like it, too often leading to irrevocable mutilation of their young bodies.

What happened? We have turned a blind eye to God’s word and creation and decided we have a better plan. However, what was a sin 2,000 year ago is a sin today. He hasn’t updated his word, and won’t accommodate today’s Pharisees or our cultural wanderings.

Just a few days ago the Vatican and Pope Francis issued a strong declaration condemning transgender sex change, surrogate motherhood and abortion as “grave threats to human dignity.” “We are called to protect our humanity, and this means, in the first place, accepting it and respecting it as it was created,” the doctrine states.

America is now on a very slippery slope and every person reading this is aware of it. We need desperately to turn our boats around and sail back toward the truth. Pray that God’s kingdom would come and his will would be done, first of all in our personal lives, but also in our families, in that house across the street and in our country.

God bless the Pope.

Bill Tozer


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