It is general knowledge locally that the editors of the Daily News are "in the tank" for the Democratic Party, and have been for years, but Wolverton's Aug. 21 editorial cartoon on the Opinion Page went several steps too far.
Have you no shame? Show me, Daily News. Show me one single tangible piece of evidence that equates the National Rifle Association - which was founded, in part, by Northern clergymen in the aftermath of the Civil War and Reconstruction to arm and train freed Southern blacks so they could defend themselves against the KKK - with "white supremacists," the Nazi party, either the original NSDAP in Germany in the '30s and '40s or the latter-day American Nazi Party and the KKK.
I have been a member of the NRA since I was 14 years old. I served my country in uniform and retired after 22-plus years as a lieutenant colonel, got my master's degree at the University of Idaho, and then taught in the Moscow public schools for 17 years. The NRA now has 5 million members, not one of which has ever been involved in a mass shooting or a terrorist incident. You might consider, before you condemn the NRA, that Dr. Martin Luther King was a Life Member.
There's a reason, even though I used to be a contributing columnist to the paper, that I long ago canceled my subscription. A friend brought Monday's paper over to show me the editorial cartoon, outraged by it. There is very little chance that I will, under the present management, ever subscribe again.
Donald Kaag