OpinionMarch 1, 2025

Answer this one

May the honest research community answer this question. Where does the amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate added to the baby on day one of life end up in the body?

Tod Merley


Don’t give Courtney a pass, Part 1

Regards my last letter printed in the Daily News on Feb 22/23, 2025: No where did I say anything about Congress needing to stop Musk, even though I agree. The body of my letter was challenging Mr. (Dale) Courtney’s blind listing of the MAGA accusations against USAID.

While I addressed what Musk got wrong about Catholic Charities, come to find out the other accusations have also been proven false through other sources. I concluded my letter telling Mr. Courtney he must do his homework. That is what the headline of my letter should have said. Don’t give Courtney a pass.

Wayne Beebe


Don’t give Courtney a pass, Part 2

Why do the Daily News editors continue to allow Dale Courtney to spew the lies of Donald Trump, Elon Musk and DOGE? An example. Courtney claims DOGE has found over 20 million centenarians receiving benefits! A little bit of googling would have told Dale the actual number is 89,102 people over the age of 99 are receiving benefits. This is very close to the figure the Census Bureau says there are. The differences can be put to statistical error on the part of the Census people.

If Courtney cannot do simple homework, why is he allowed such extensive column space? His continued falsehoods impact the credibility of this paper. Enough is enough. Give him the boot. His performance continues to be below the expectations of his position.

Wayne Beebe


Stop Musk and Trump

So Elon “Chain Saw” Musk planned to feed employees’ five-bullet-point emails into an AI chatbot which would decide which jobs are “necessary”? What could possibly go wrong?

After all, AI did a great job constructing a fake video of Trump sucking the toes on Elon’s ... what? TWO LEFT FEET! Oops! Call Congress main switchboard if you can’t show up at a town hall to give them their STOP THIS orders: (202) 224-3121.

Steve Swoope


Stand up for the Constitution

Can America be great if we throw out the Constitution? President Trump and the Republican majority in Congress are in a position to pass any legislation they choose? As long as this legislation is constitutional, it can go into effect and our nation will continue to move along. Time will tell if the legislation improved or harmed the country.

However, if the president is allowed to accrue all power unto himself, to dismantle government agencies created by Congress, to fail to enforce laws passed by Congress, to disregard the courts, to politicize the military, and use the justice system to silence his critics, we will quickly lose the representative democracy that is the foundation of American greatness.

I urge everyone to urge our representatives in Congress to uphold their oath to the Constitution. Insist that the powers reserved for Congress be respected. Insist that the powers of the courts be respected. The preservation or our rights as citizens under the Constitution are more important than any president’s agenda.

Robert S. Johnson

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What will his next stunt be?

In late January, our randomly-bouncing-off-the-wall president ordered the release of massive amounts of water from two reservoirs in California’s southern Sierra Nevada mountains. Federal officials, afraid that speaking truthfully would endanger their jobs, spouted lies about the water being used for irrigation or firefighting.

It’s winter, and the water was not used for irrigation. It ran into a dry lake bed. Not a drop could be used for firefighting as these reservoirs were never designed to supply the L.A. area and L.A. already had ample supplies of water.

State officials were able to speak truthfully, revealing that this water was wasted and would not be available for the summer irrigation season — especially critical as the forecast is for a dry summer.

The only explanation is that it was the president’s publicity stunt. A stunt based on lies that produced absolutely nothing of value and will hurt the area farmers. A stunt that no reasonable person would ever try, a stunt that should have serious consequences, and one that certainly would have serious consequences for an ordinary person.

What stunt will he pull off next? Remember, this is the person that has control over nuclear weapons. We need to move the president into an institution where he receives psychiatric care and is not a danger to civilization.

Stephan Flint


An open letter to Rep. Baumgartner

I trust that you will agree that in the Constitution, Congress was designated as a co-equal branch of government. Given this, it is astonishing to me, the thousands of constituents you represent and the millions of Americans that the legislative branch of our goverment counts on, that you and your Republican colleagues are simply “bending the knee” to the executive branch of government.

I write here to urge you to perform the Constitutional duty to which you are bound by oath — to assert the Congressional power of the purse. As one of your constituents, I have been personally impacted by the Trump administration’s attempt to usurp Congressional power in its attempt not only to freeze Congressionally appropriated funding, but also to change the rules for administering that funding.

As a university researcher, my work is funded by the National Science Foundation. I have a pending research grant whose merit is now being scrutinized relative to politically charged “anti-DEI” criteria that are different from the criteria originally used by a panel of scientific experts to select my grant project for funding. This is wrong on so many levels, the most obvious of which is that it is unfair to retroactively nullify the results of a scientific review process performed in good faith.

How can you sit by idly and let this happen? Please fulfill your Constitutional oath by asserting the power of Congress to have the final say on budget appropriations. Call the Trump administration to account for its illegal attempt to impound congressionally allocated funds! Our constitutional republic is at stake and we, your constituents, are counting on you to step up and defend the constitution and the rights of your constituents.

Chris Hundhausen


Save us from this evil man

Imagine you are inside your house when a gang of men appears outside. Their leader pounds on your door, demanding you let him in. You open the door partially with a chain bolt lock and ask him what he wants. “I want you to sign this deed to your property. Tomorrow I will come with a notary to make my ownership legal.

“Tomorrow if you do not sigh, we will break down your door, kill all your children and your husband. Once that is done, I will personally rape you. You cannot escape because your place is surrounded by members of my gang. You have 24 hours to decide!”

I ask the leader what we might do to save our family? He responds, “There is no room for negotiations! You and your family have done terrible things to your neighbors to the east.”

I am speaking to those of you who still believe that Donald Trump can do no wrong! Yes, I have made it very personal by talking about a family. What is described above mirrors Trump’s behavior. He has and continues to support Putin’s war. One million Ukrainians have died since the war started. Millions of Ukrainians have been displaced or left the country. The International Criminal Court has found Putin guilty of genocide in Ukraine.

Recently Trump has demanded 50% of the revenue from the Ukraine’s sale of oil and minerals be given to the United States.

Congress must save us from this evil man.

Stan Smith


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