Backs Conservation Reserve Program
The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) is one of the most successful voluntary conservation programs in the nation. This program is essential for the soil, water and natural resources that are so important who live and enjoy the great outdoors in Idaho and around the country. In addition, the CRP habitat provides cover, protection of resources and critical nutrition for big game and upland birds.
It is a critical time for the Conservation Reserve Program. The 2023 Farm Bill has been held in committee by the House of Representatives. The Farm Bill exists now by a continuing resolution which means that prices paid per acre continue at levels far below the rates paid 38 years ago. The result being that every year as contracts end, property owners are looking at other options. Many of them are contracting with or selling their ground to producers and these farms are being put into production.
For those of who know the value of this great program it is time to let your representatives know that you support the CRP. In a news release by the USDA dated April 21, 2021, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that the USDA will open enrollment in the CRP with higher payment rates and new incentives. It was held up by the House. Now there is renewed effort because of other issues. It is reported that the House of Representatives is discussing a 2024 Farm Bill that will not include improvements to CRP.
In my opinion that would eventually end the program as we know it. Discussions are going on NOW! Right now this May! Contact your congressman and senators and let them know where you stand!
Mike Mathews
Rockland, Idaho