OpinionOctober 12, 2024

Parker shares our values

I remember fondly the days when the delegation that represented our district in Boise made decisions that were in our collective best interests. Whether Republican or Democrat, they listened to us and took appropriate action.

That hasn’t been the case recently. Dan Foreman’s representation of this district has been abysmal. For example, we are fortunate to have the University of Idaho here. It is a strong contributor to the economy. It is Idaho’s major research university and offers significant opportunities to people of all ages. As our representative in Boise, one of Foreman’s major concerns should be directing legislation beneficial to the university. He should correspond with university leaders regularly about their needs. Instead, he doesn’t even support basic funding for the university. In addition, Foreman should be interested in providing the best education possible for our young folks. He should be approaching school officials to see what help he can provide. Instead, he opposes funds for public schools. His vote was the only one in opposition to support for school facilities. He opposed money for libraries. This is bizarre behavior from one who is supposed to be helping us.

Fortunately, we have an opportunity to replace Foreman by Julia Parker. Her nursing experience will be a distinguishing asset when dealing with health care issues. She understands the importance of education as it relates to individual opportunity and economic development. Julia Parker shares our values. She will listen to, and represent all members of her district. We need Julia Parker in the Idaho Senate. Please give her your vote.

Shirley Ringo


Dawes is clear choice

We are Moscow residents and expressing our support for Kathy Dawes for Idaho House Seat 6B. She can facilitate civil conversations that lead to finding common ground for solving important problems in Idaho to bring Idahoans together!

Kathy Dawes advocates support for public education preschool through university level to assure a uniform and thorough system of public free common schools!

Kathy Dawes advocates reproductive health care. Women should have the fundamental right to make their own decisions without government intervention!

Kathy Dawes supports abolishing H710 returning local library boards and school libraries control of book selection and availability policies!

Kathy’s opponent, Brandon Mitchell, voted against Federal grant support for second and third year preschool programs totaling $12 million! He supports the voucher system taking away funding of public schools. He supports carrying concealed weapons in schools! He voted YES on all abortion bills! He voted NO on Medicaid health care for new mothers. He voted NO on 6 month birth control.

Mr. Mitchell wanted to require citizen initiative petitions to have signatures from all legislative districts. This was determined unconstitutional by the Idaho Supreme Court.

The choice is clear! Vote for Kathy Dawes because she cares about each of us.

Barbara Franano and Bob Spateholts


There is no climate crisis

I appreciated Becky Tallent’s Her View on seeking out the truth (Daily News, Sept. 20). It is necessary to check out much of what is highlighted in the mainstream media (MSM) because of hyperbole, distortions and omissions of facts.

Just as the Biden-Harris administration, the MSM and others deceived us on COVID-19 and its cures, they are now deceiving us concerning climate change and its impacts. Historical data indicate that several times in the past, Earth has been warmer than present and it was not caused by mankind. There is excellent evidence that the current warming is primarily caused by changes in cloud cover — Earth albedo, and adiabatic changes in the atmosphere. Some of the scientists, politicians and most of the MSM are lying to us about the probable future effects of Earth’s warming and the Biden-Harris administration is building disastrous economic policies based on these lies. More CO2 is actually benefiting crop production and greening the Earth.

China, which produces three times the CO2 as the U.S., is in the process of building 300 new coal-fired plants. India and many developing countries are recognizing that green energy is not dependable and is often more expensive than fossil fuels. The U.S. is suffering inflation because the Biden-Harris administration is willing to incur huge debt to push uneconomical and undependable green energy. We should only convert to green energy when it is economically and environmentally sound to do so.

The next election will have a major impact on whether we continue these disastrous policies or follow the truth and optimize the use of all our God given energy resources. There is no climate crisis but there is a crisis of gaslighting the public about a hypothesized future climate crisis caused by using the fossil fuels that have allowed us to develop advanced living standards.

Larry Kirkland


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Anger issues?

Sen. (Dan) Foreman, you seem to have anger issues. The way you pretty much explode if a constituent disagrees with you or challenges your agenda is proof that you are not suited for elected positions. I know you know what I am speaking about. Hint, Idaho Statehouse with U of I students, Latah County Fair and more.

And then recently in Kendrick you told a member of the Nez Perce Tribe to “go back to where you came from” and then rushed away from the candidates forum is indicative of your mindset. Anger and then running away is not what our districts need. We need calm, level-headedness to legislate for now and for our future. I hope the good voters of Latah, Lewis, and parts of Nez Perce county will vote for Julia Parker for our state senate.

Roger Hayes


Parker is the pick

Dan Foreman, the current Idaho state senator for District 6, has once again revealed himself to be angry, hateful and ignorant. Fortunately, Julia Parker, his opponent in the upcoming election, is the opposite: temperate, compassionate and intelligent.

As someone who was raised Republican, I know that members of the GOP can also have these virtues. I urge them as well as independents and Democrats to vote for someone who will represent Idaho District 6 in the manner that we deserve: Julia Parker.

Walter Hesford


Dawes up to the task

Controlling women’s bodies, deciding what books are unfit for children and setting up a punishment system for both scenarios, trying to amend the Idaho Constitution, HJR-5, by adding unnecessary language, attempting to mix church and state through school vouchers are some of the issues that have been discussed and/or passed by the current Legislature.

We need a Legislature that will tackle property taxes, infrastructure, school buildings maintenance, state help in constructing new schools and adjusting the Home Owners Exemption to reflect the reality of real estate costs, to mention a few of the important issues facing Idaho.

Kathy Dawes is up to the task. She has been involved locally for years, both politically and civically. Kathy is well known and respected because she listens to residents and treats them with respect. She is a champion for women’s autonomy, recognizes and respects professionals in all fields and trusts them to help people make decisions that affect their personal lives.

Kathy worked tirelessly to help collect enough signatures so the Open Primary Initiative will be on the ballot in November, a daunting job that entailed countless hours of tedious paperwork and attention to detail.

Kathy has proved herself capable and ready to be one of our next District 6 next Representatives.

Please read her stances on Idaho issues on her web page or contact her directly, she will be happy to talk with you.

Vote for Kathy Dawes on Tuesday, Nov. 5

Kathy Weber


Thanks a lot

Thank you, thank you, and thank you again, to the person that found my driver’s license and delivered it to the Moscow Police Department so it could be returned to me. My license and I are reunited!

Evelyn Simon


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