OpinionOctober 12, 2022

The morality police

I attended the candidate forum this week at the fairgrounds. We heard from those running for Idaho State house and senate posts. I was shocked by the boldness of the extreme position taken by Dan Foreman on abortion. The womb becomes a weapon to use against a woman, if he gets his way. James Hartley seems to be a fruitcake full of half-baked ideas. He says our democracy is in danger, and I could not agree more if the likes of him ever holds public office.

I was suddenly nostalgic for the 1970s, when as young people we bemoaned the coziness between the two parties. Every bill was bipartisan and we railed over the backroom deals made between Republicans and Democrats. Today, here in Idaho, we have loyalty oaths sworn not to government, but to party. You did not know that, did you?

To run as a Republican you must sign an oath, and the party runs the primary such that you cannot choose to vote for a candidate who is not on the ticket. No moderates need apply.

I’m convinced that a supermajority party is not good for government. Look at what’s happening right now in Iran. After 40 years under the Ayatollah, the morality police can terrorize the public over a stray hair showing outside the hijab. Protestors are never heard from again.

Thanks to a legislature focused on culture wars, our University of Idaho makes it known that taking a condom from the counter, you’d better be ready to justify it as a fear of a sexually transmitted disease, not its common use as a contraceptive. The lesson is clear. Cover up your true intentions, otherwise the morality police will find you. When raped, tell no one, lest your future be controlled by others.

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Zena Hartung


Bohman deserves your vote

Commitment to our community is as important as it has always been. The November election is an important time to make your desires known to your community. I have known John Bohman all his life. My daughter graduated with John at Troy High School and both went to the University of Idaho. I remember her saying that John was so bright and talented that he could have done many things, but John’s heart has always been with his friends, family and community. He chose to farm the family farm, raise his family here and realized that community is only as good as the people’s dedication to it. John has spent years making this area the best it could be. Please join me in voting for John Bohman for Latah County Commissioner. I am confident that he will put in the effort and time that this position deserves.

Peggy Swanson


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