Fish project manager for Spokane Tribe to speak at Moscow meeting
MOSCOW — Casey Flanagan, a water and fish project manager for the Spokane Tribe, will be the guest speaker at a Clearwater Fly Casters meeting at the Best Western Plus University Inn here March 12.
Flanagan will present “Redband Trout Populations in the Spokane River Watershed and Lake Roosevelt.”
The meeting starts with a 5:30 p.m. social hour followed by a $23 buffet dinner at 6:30 and the presentation at 7:30.
Idaho officials asking for input on wildlife management plan
BOISE — The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is updating its strategic plan and wants to hear from Idahoans who are interested in shaping wildlife management in the state.
Known as The Compass, the plan was last updated in 2015.
A meeting on the update will be held at 6 p.m. March 12 at the agency’s Clearwater Regional Office in Lewiston. Participants will be asked to provide input on their satisfaction with hunting, fishing, trapping and wildlife viewing; habitat loss; invasive species and disease; and predator management.
Those unable to attend the meeting can participate through the agency’s website starting March 11.
Draft versions of the update will be available for review and public comment prior to being considered for approval by the Fish and Game Commission. More information is available at
Reminder: Idaho bear hunters must pass identification test
BOISE — The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is reminding black bear hunters that they must pass a bear identification test before obtaining tags.
The test requirement is new this year and designed to ensure hunters can differentiate between protected grizzly bears and black bears.
More information about the test and bear identification is available at