The ScoopJanuary 11, 2025

From the

Lewiston Tribune

Jan. 12, 1985

Nez Perce County has decided to lease road graders, rather than buying them.

Of the eight road graders owned by the county, two will be traded in this year for leases on new graders. That way, the road department is not spending a large chunk of its budget at one time for equipment, said Dave Seubert, head of the road department.

County commissioners awarded lease contracts Wednesday to two companies. Four bids were submitted. The contracts for each of the two road graders did not go to the lowest bidders, but commission Chairman Robert L. Huddleston said the two awarded were the only two that met the bid specifications.

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Lee A. Vickers, president of Lewis-Clark State College, did not make the list of seven finalists for the presidency of Idaho State University.

“Dr. Vickers was an extremely viable candidiate, but there were seven people who had better credentials,” said Ronald Gerughty, ISU presidential search committee member. Gerughty is dean of health and related professions at ISU.

The selection process was thorough, said committee member Troy E. Wade, Idaho director for the U.S. Department of Energy, but he did not recall the order of elimination.

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