From the
Lewiston Tribune
Dec. 29, 1984
The Lewiston City Council voted Friday to apply for a $10,000 state grant to study residential uses of solar energy.
Members also approved Mayor Gene Mueller’s appointment of a 20-member Model Conservation Standards Advisory Committee to coordinate the solar-energy effort with Nez Perce and Asotin counties and Clarkston and Lapwai city governments.
The council met in a special session in place of meetings Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.
Idaho Gov. John V. Evans has appointed Lewiston City Council member Marion L. Shinn to a newly created Idaho Water Quality Programs Advisory Committee.
Shinn, a retired Lewiston educator, had served for three years on a state Municipal Facilities Construction Advisory Committee, which recently was dissolved.
He said the new committee has broader responsibilities with emphasis on water purification from all sources. It also is composed of representatives of agriculture and other industries instead of just municipalities.