From the
Lewiston Tribune
March 9, 1965
Clarkston City Council invited the public last night to suggest improvements for Beachview Park and recreational developments between the Interstate Bridge and the Swallows Nest along Lower Granite dam pool of the Snake River.
Marvin L. Wheeler, chairman of the council’s Parks & Recreation Committee, said a sketch of tentatively planned improvements has been prepared, providing for enlargement of picnicking and play space at the park. But suggestions from all are wanted before permanent plans are made.
Whether the council should purchase more space for parking for cars probably should await the outcome of an April 20 annexation election, Councilman Phillip B. Poole said. If a large suburban area is annexed to the city, he added, a park probably should be developed in the western part of town.
It was moving day yesterday for Moore’s Furniture and Appliance Store, the second major North Lewiston firm to move within a week.
The store’s move, which is to be completed in about a week, is to 125 22nd St. from its present location at 2004 Fourth Ave. N. It was made possible by the move of Great Western Distributing Co. last week to a new building at 306 20th St. N.
Harold H. Moore, who with his son, Ervin Moore, own the furniture and appliance store, said they began painting and refurbishing their new quarters just west of the north approach to the Clearwater Memorial Bridge on Saturday. A 50-foot long sign was being erected across the face of the building yesterday.