The ScoopFebruary 15, 2025

From the

Lewiston Tribune

Feb. 16, 1965

Three Lewiston men took an unusual “vacation” last week to dive and work in the chill waters of the Snake River at Little Goose damsite.

William Engle and Jae Garlinghouse, partners in the Green Frog Diving Co., were accompanied by Michael Frost, a college student. They served as subcontractors for John M. Keltch, Inc., of Pasco, holder of an Army Corps of Engineers contract to rebuild the dike for the cofferdam, the temporary fish ladder and the sheer boom that protects it, all damaged in last spring’s flood.

The three cleaned the fish ladder of debris that had been swept in by the flood and set and attached anchors for the sheer boom. The boom, formed of logs, protects the ladder from debris and stray logs that otherwise would float in.


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BOISE — Commendation and appreciation to Dr. Donald R. Theophilus, president of the University of Idaho, were voiced in a resolution introduced Monday in the Idaho Senate.

The measure is scheduled for consideration Tuesday.

Dr. Theophilus has announced he will retire effective July 1.

The resolution commends Dr. Theophilus for “his service and weighty contributions to the University of Idaho and the great state of Idaho.”

Dr. Theophilus has been teacher and administrator at the university since 1927. He has been president since 1954.

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