I’ve got some difficult news to share with you this morning. I don’t like causing our loyal readers any consternation, but I also think it’s our duty to give you straight facts.
Besides, when was the last time anything you read in the paper stressed you out? (On second thought, don’t answer that.)
Anyway, here goes: Today is Dec. 1. That means Christmas is barreling down the tracks like a runaway freight train, and we all had better get our holiday duties and obligations squared away before we’re flattened by the holly jolly locomotive.
The countdown to Christmas might feel more harrowing this year because of Thanksgiving coming so late on the calendar (in fact, Nov. 28 is the latest date it ever falls). Suddenly, we are just a bit more than three weeks away from Christmas.
But I’m a firm believer in trying to have a merry little Christmas; there’s no reason the holiday must be loud and epic. As Linus Van Pelt once said: “Charlie Brown, you’re the only person I know who can take a wonderful season like Christmas and turn it into a problem.”
So I hope it’s not a problem when I ask you to send the Tribune your letter to Santa by Dec. 18.
We revived our letters to Santa feature two years ago, and I thoroughly enjoyed the first two collections of missives bound for the North Pole. Once again, we will accept letters from children and adults. The letters can be just a few words if you have a short wish list, but please try to write no more than 300 words — no matter how well behaved you’ve been this year.
Be sure to include the author’s name, age and town of residence. The letters can be emailed to city@lmtribune.com, sent in the mail to the Lewiston Tribune, 505 Capital St., Lewiston, ID 83501 or dropped off at our office.
We usually receive submissions from a few grade school classes in the area, and those are always appreciated. So teachers, if you’re trying to think of a writing assignment that will engage your students, I’ll bet this one will do the trick.
We’re planning on running this year’s collection of letters in the paper Dec. 22. That should give Santa plenty of time prepare your gift. Don’t worry, he’s immune to holiday stress.
Merry Christmas to all. And happy writing.
Baney is the Tribune's managing editor. He may be contacted at mbaney@lmtribune.com or (208) 848-2251. Follow him on X @MattBaney_Trib.