The ScoopMarch 15, 2025

From the

Lewiston Tribune

March 16, 1985

Nearly three out of four doctors who practice at Tri-State Memorial would like the hospital to buy an ultrasound unit rather than a mammography unit.

Consequently, the Clarkston hospital will have the sophisticated diagnostic machine soon, said David Farlowe, hospital administrator.

“The board has basically already approved the purchase of an ultrasound unit, if this survey said it was more appropriate than a mammography unit,” Farlow said. “So for all purposes, it’s approved.”

Ultrasound units take pictures of a person’s internal organs and limbs by using sound waves, rather than X-rays. The machine is commonly used for examining pregnant women and patients who need gall bladder operations.

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If a new jail is built in Nez Perce County, it should be at least a 100-bed jail that could be expanded if necessary.

That was the thinking of Sheriff Ron Koeper and the county commissioners during a short discussion they had Friday morning.

They decided to send a group to a weeklong seminar titled “Planning New Jail Facilities” at the National Academy of Corrections at Boulder, Colo. The academy is a part of the U.S. Department of Justice.

The justice department pays all expenses for those who attend the seminar.

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