More than a ‘thing’
Typically I do not read Christine Flowers’ column when it appears. Partly because her view and mine differ widely. However, her column on Aug. 9 caught my eye and I steeled myself to read it. Full disclosure, I skipped some/a lot of parts. Her column commented on the teaching the history of slavery in Florida to grades 6-8. Although she obviously does not appreciate the current White House, she did agree that the guidelines adopted have a very controversial point. It states that instruction will include how slaves benefited in some instances by the “skills” they developed while enslaved. She does not agree and wrote “it really never ends well when you try and find a positive spin about slavery.” I agree 100%. But she follows that with saying conservatives should clearly acknowledge “this is a thing,” it should be brought to the public’s attention but then “put to rest.” In effect if we, conservatives, see that this was a mistake, we know it and it’s over. It makes me shake my head incredulously.
Apparently all you have to do is see that something is wrong and move on. Christine? I don’t think that’s an effective way to remedy the way a particularly sensitive part of U.S. history has been (not) or will be taught to students. Rather, you lauded yourself for disagreeing with conservatives like yourself and denigrated our vice president’s and other’s responses. Slavery wasn’t a “thing.” Couching its teaching as a “thing” is dismissive.
Saying you acknowledge that this “thing” is wrong does not make you right. It means you have a very dim perception of slavery in the U.S. and how it has impacted and shaped our history and the people who live here. You do not get a “get out of jail free” card.
Nancy Maxeiner