OpinionDecember 22, 2020

A book suggestion

It is deeply disturbing to read letters such as that of Jean Durtal which stoke elements of class warfare. In suggesting that the “ruling elite” have been responsible for attacks on Trump in the recent election, it has apparently slipped Durtal’s mind that for the past four years, the “ruling elite” has been in fact Trump and his wealthy entourage.

Further, who are the “working class people” that Durtal refers to as Trump supporters? Aren’t many of the millions of urban and suburbanites who bravely turned out to vote in the last election also working class? Don’t people of color, Hispanics, Asian Americans, etc. count?

The writer belittles signs welcoming immigrants; the issue is not if they are read, but rather that they signify a willingness to accept new people. Finally, the writer suggests that “racism” and “privileged” are terms of the “upper class”; if he means the “ruling elite,” clearly that includes the past four years.

In fact, these are complex concepts, and I don’t think that he really understands their meaning; I recommend that he read one of the many books out on the subject such as Robin Diangelo’s “White Fragility” (Beacon Press: 2018).

Peter Meserve


Which is it?

The idea that the 2020 presidential election was stolen has been thoroughly debunked. No evidence of fraud has emerged, and Trump has accordingly lost 98 percent of his cases challenging the election.

Nonetheless, accusations and conspiracy theories continue to fly in conservative media. I’d like to ask conservatives to stop for a moment and consider what they’re suggesting. Whether you believe that dead people and illegal immigrants voted; that votes were dumped, switched, or fabricated; or even that Hugo Chavez (1954-2013) commissioned the software that cost Trump the election, all these theories of election fraud rest on the following assumption: That the Democratic party was able to execute an intricate nationwide scheme in broad daylight, under heavy scrutiny from Republicans expecting precisely such a scheme, without getting caught or leaving a shred of credible evidence.

Does anyone — conservative or not — really believe that the Democratic party is capable of that degree of competence? This is the party that routinely loses political power even as they get more votes.

This is the party that was unable to muster meaningful resistance to one of the least-popular presidents in history. This is the party that can’t pass gun control legislation, paid maternity leave, a living wage, universal healthcare, or a range of other policies that the majority of Americans support.

Republicans have consistently outfoxed Democrats to the point of locking us into a system of minority rule. Yet, we’re now being asked to believe that the Democrats have pulled off the most seamless and effective political coup in history (while giving up House seats and leaving Senate control on the table for some reason).

Conservatives, either the election was fair and it’s time to move on, or the Democratic party just humiliated the Republicans with their political prowess. Which is it?

Ryan Urie


A thanks to Rowley

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Roger Rowley has done an exceptional job of bringing worldclass modern art to Moscow. As director of the Prichard Art Gallery he has put his heart and soul into this work. Now his position has been cut and the Prichard will be a student gallery. If Moscow is “The Heart of the Arts,” we have lost yet another piece of our heart. Thank you Roger, for bringing the beauty and challenge of modern art to Moscow.

Robert Johnson


The American Dream

What are the ways that Trump, Biden, Obama, the Bushes and Clinton are alike? They all serve their wealthy donors by supporting these bipartisan projects: mass privatization, removal of the social safety net, increasing corporate welfare and increasing prison capacity.

(“Don’t fawn over Biden,” Kelly Hayes, Truthout, Dec. 6) According to Hayes, we only escaped the frying pan of fascism, by jumping into the fire of neoliberalism. Witness his appointees.

According to Hayes, Avril Haines and Michael Morell are experts at drone killing, Ceclia Muñoz powers the deportation machine, John Kerry likes investor-friendly nonsolutions to climate change, and Neera Tanden is an austerity advocate.

Neoliberalism likes an aristocracy and a bare-footed peasantry. America has been turned into a machine that milks the poor, to pad “legacy wealth.” I have witnessed the turnaround; when I was a kid, the interest paid to me on my savings account was 5 percent.

Now it pays 0.1 percent. Meantime, the interest paid on a bank loan or credit card can make the eyes water. The neoclassicists have been winning. We have allowed that to happen, by letting them divide us with wedge issues. If we are to preserve the American dream, we must come together.

Wiley Hollingsworth


Unforgivable actions

Reckless endangerment: “The offense of recklessly engaging in conduct that creates a substantial risk of serious physical injury or death to another person.” — Merriam-Webster.com.

Square this definition with the recent Daily News headline: “Maskless customers close TriState Outfitters” (Dec. 11). This is not the first time Moscow has seen organized maskless mobbing of public spaces in the guise of “freeto-be-me” protests.

Such brazen and reckless acts of others in a time of pandemic is dangerous for all, and shockingly unforgivable. The city of Moscow must hold accountable Pastor Doug Wilson of Christ Church and members of De-Mask Moscow for endangering Tri-State employees and customers who were abiding by the masked-in-store mandate. Furthermore, the leaders of Christ Church should hold themselves accountable for the safety of their congregants, for whom they are morally responsible.

Superspreader gatherings must stop. As if given in blessing for a new year, the first COVID19 vaccine was FDA approved on the very day that the “maskless” article appeared. In spite of this, we are CDC warned to maintain our monthslong vigilance. Then, if the virus continues to spiral out of control, the onus will be on those who openly support anti-masking, as well as on those who remain silent.

Lisa Kliger


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